Chapter 38 - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me. What to Do?!

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Bai YueSheng: "word Jiu, is your detection device broken? How come there's no warning!"

Ah Jiu: "... Back then I didn't think I'd need to detect things from another world. So in order to save money, I bought a second hand one... sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't."

Bai YueSheng: "..............." Who can understand the bitterness of being poor!

Bai YueSheng exerted strength and without hesitation shoved away Jiang Xiao Ming.

Student Jiang was still crying. "Why are you treating me like this? I'm so sad. I'm so heartbroken..."

Bai YueSheng: Stop talking or you'll die! And your death will be very terrible!

But the Jiang Third Master who had been possessed by Qiong Yao was fearless. "I don't care! I don't want to hear it. I only want..."

{T/N: Qiong Yao is a famous Taiwanese author who wrote a lot of classic melodramatic titles back in the day... Who remembers Huan Zhu Ge Ge and Romance in the Rain?? Anyway basically saying that Jiang Ming is making a big melodrama scene like a character in one of her novels.}

Bai YueSheng really didn't want to see the Student Jiang he had raised up plump and white to become a battered, unrecognizable corpse so he had to play some tricks on Xiao Ming.

He pushed Jiang Ming into Qin Yan's arms, opened his mouth and said, "Ah Ming you're so drunk you don't even recognize who's who anymore! Your boyfriend is over there. Don't just hug random people and say nonsense!"

Qin Yan: "......."

Jiang Ming was really quite confused. Bai YueSheng slightly manipulated his thinking a little and he really began to mistake Qin Yan as Bai YueSheng. He hugged him crying loudly. "Why ah! Clearly I was the one who met you first. Why did you run away with someone else. Husband, boyfriend, fiancee, brother... how many men do you have? How come all of them is OK, but only I'm not ah.."

Bai YueSheng's expression was extremely awkward.

Qin Yan's face was frozen. Even his expression looking at Bai YueSheng had changed, befitting the gaze one places upon a gigantic human scum.

Jiang Ming was still crying but felt like something wasn't quite right. "How come you became so big and bulky? Is it...."

Bai YueSheng was terrified he was going say some more nonsense and bring trouble on his head so he quickly interrupted. "Hurry up and go home. If there's problems go home and discuss it properly. Once the misunderstanding is resolved then everything will be okay."

After speaking he pushed Jiang Ming into Qin Yan's car, then he said to Qin Yan. "Sorry to trouble you."

Qin Yan: "....." He wanted to say it was precisely because he didn't know where Jiang Ming lived that he called him, and didn't he say that Jiang Ming's family was coming to pick him up? What was going on?

Bai YueSheng knew he must be very confused but unfortunately he didn't dare to explain anything. He could only give him a hint, "I've sent a message to his phone. Once you read it you'll understand."

Qin Yan paused and then glanced at the man emitting such a powerful aura. In the end he didn't say much. "I understand."

Bai YueSheng left out a sigh of relief. This was about all he could do.

Compared to Jiang Ming's innocence, of course his life was more important.

And this Qin Yan looked like a pretty good person. He probably would take advantage of him... ba?

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