Chapter 24 - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me, What to do??!

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Because of the sudden appearance of Jiang Ming, Bai YueSheng could help freezing in place. Because he froze, Lance seized the opportunity to deepen the kiss. It was both charming and erotic. By the time Bai YueSheng finally shoved him away it was too late. Every single action had been completely exposed.

Bai YueSheng, "Do you think if I tell Jiang Xiao Ming that this is a pure kiss between brothers, he will believe it?"

Ah Jiu: "Sure. The kiss between brothers should obviously be more passionate than even french kissing."

Bai YueSheng, "......"

"Ah Jiu, you've become mean."

Ah Jiu: "I wonder who I learnt it from?"

Since if he explained it would look like he was covering things up, and if he looked as though he was covering things up then it would make it seem true, Bai YueSheng had no choice but to go along with it and pretend to be a beast that would even make a move on his brother.

He looked at Jiang Ming with an indifferent expression.

Jiang Ming: qaq!

Bai YueSheng, "What a coincidence."

Jiang Ming hesitated for a second then rushed to the stairs. He didn't even take the lift but directly fled down thirteen flights of stairs.

Bai YueSheng, "......" He heard the sound of a man's heart breaking into a thousand pieces.

Lance Steen seemed pretty relaxed. "What's wrong with your friend?"

Bai YueSheng considered Jiang Xiao Ming's personal safety and could only lie with determination. "He's a straight guy, he can't accept two guys kissing."

Lance Steen, "Oh it's like this."

Bai YueSheng didn't change color. "It doesn't matter. He's just an ordinary friend. If it's ended, then it's ended."

He was so casual about it that Lance didn't ask anymore. He just used the opportunity to press closer to him and stole another kiss. "Then I'll be going first." His voice was quietly pitiful.

Bai YueSheng wasn't moved. "Bye."

Lance wasn't satisfied. "Xiao Sheng..."

Bai YueSheng: "I'm your godfather."

{T/N: Last line written in English so assume he said it in English.}

Lance thinned his lips. "Not anymore."

Bai YueSheng smiled ironically. "That's true. I don't have the right anymore to be called your godfather."

Lance Steen's eyes grew anxious. "I didn't mean it like that."

Bai YueSheng slightly raised his eyebrows. "I don't want to argue with you. Go back, I'm going to rest."

Lance stood on the spot without moving. He was very tall, more than 1.xx. His body was also very good. His long wool coat fully displayed the long and sexy lines of his body. Combined with that golden hair and blue eyes... this was a man that could obtain anything he wanted using his personal charm. But right now he was bowing his head, his hair slid past his forehead and he said in a voice filled with thick despair, ".... At that time I was really deeply unhappy."

Bai YueSheng didn't really want to hear this. He said, "Go back. It's getting dark." After he spoke he turned around and wanted to go back into his apartment.

But the long-suffering Lance Steen couldn't hold back any longer.

"Can you hear me out?" Lance grasped his wrist.

Bai YueSheng could only stop his footsteps. It looked like he couldn't avoid this argument.

Right now it was already xx o'clock, not early and not late. It was hard to guarantee no one would come into the corridor. In order to avoid any trouble, Bai YueSheng could only say. "Come in."

{T/N: She really didn't put any specific time, just two blank boxes. Same as Lance's height from before.}

The two people went into the apartment. However the atmosphere no longer had the pretend harmony from before, but was instead thick with enough tension to cut with a knife.

Bai YueSheng closed the door. "Say whatever you need to, I'm listening."

But unexpectedly the first thing Lance said was, "I'm sorry."

Bai YueSheng, "....."

But very quickly Lance raised his head. His eyes looked like the sky after rain, clear and bright. "But if I could turn back time, I would do it again."

Bai YueSheng felt slightly helpless.

Lance spoke each word lowly. "You had no idea what kind of woman De Mo is and you have no idea what I went through."

"But of course, in the end it's because you've never really cared about me."

{T/N: Another random western name. I just kept it as pinyin same as Xin Lin.}



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