Chapter 22B - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me, What to do??!

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Bai YueSheng agreed and went to open the door.

Outside a middle aged woman was standing. She was holding a lot of things in her hands. She was dressed plainly but elegantly. Although she was already fifty years old, her figure was still quite good but of course the fine lines around her eyes are easily distinguishable.

After seeing Bai YueSheng she looked vaguely surprised but very quickly she smiled, "Hello."

She didn't pretend to be close and call him "Xiao Sheng" or introduce herself in an overly friendly way. Instead she just very politely said hello. Although he didn't know what the end result would be, at least Bai YueSheng had a good first impression of this woman.

"Hello." Bai YueSheng politely received the gifts and stepped back. He asked, "Is Auntie Yang? Please come in."

After that there was some basic host duties to perform. Bai YueSheng poured her tea and asked her to sit at the dining table.

At this time Ah Jiu suddenly spoke: "This Mrs. Yang is a bit strange."

Bai YueSheng: "Huh?"

Ah Jiu said: "She didn't even sneak a single look at you.."

Bai YueSheng:"....."

Ah Jiu said: "Although I don't like to admit it but a stranger who isn't fascinated by your face is actually quite rare."

Bai YueSheng didn't think much of it. He said, "Auntie Yang is already fifty, she's probably seen it all already."

Ah Jiu didn't speak. Bai YueSheng didn't expect that by saying this he had really hit the nail on the head.

Yang Rong really had seen it all before. Not because of her age but because there was something beside her that was even more dazzling so over long exposure, her aesthetic tolerance had increased.

After a while, Father Bai had made enough dishes to cover the table. After walking out from the kitchen and seeing the two people sitting at the table he said, "Ah Rong, did you come by yourself?"

Hearing this kind of familiar name calling made Bai YueSheng feel uncomfortable. After all no matter how could the first impression was, this "future stepmother" would be unable to withstand temptation and eventually dump his father.

Yang Rong's smile was very tender. "Ah Suo went out first thing in the morning. He said he wanted to bring a small gift, I don't know where he's gotten to."

Father Bai's impression of this Ah Suo was clearly very good. He said, "This child is too polite!"

Bai YueSheng understood. It turns out the purpose of this dinner was also to introduce him to his future stepbrother.

After some more time passed as Bai YueSheng was playing with TangTang's stomach as it rolled around on the ground, the doorbell sounded again. Father Bai immediately said, "It must be Ah Suo."

Bai YueSheng got up. "I'll get the door." TangTang currently had all four limbs in the air. After it saw Bai YueSheng wanted to get up, it immediately jumped into his arms. Luckily Bai YueSheng's body had had training, otherwise he would be flattened by this fat cat!

He rubbed it's head with one hand and opened the door with the other. After the security door opened and he saw the person standing outside Bai YueSheng suddenly thought that it would have been better not to have had training. Then after getting squashed by this fat cat he can directly go to the hospital to hide!

What on earth is going on!

In the old and worn-down corridor stood a dazzling man. He was very tall with gold hair, blue eyes and fair skin. His face was as beautiful like a God.

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