Chapter 19 - A Wave of Exes Came Looking for Me. What to Do?!

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Bai YueSheng: "... you're joking!"

Ah Jiu: "I wish."

Bai YueSheng couldn't believe it. "How can Jeremy or Qiu ChangFeng come to Sienn?"

Ah Jiu knew he was trying to escape from reality so he very willingly continued to provoke him. "If they can go to Earth, why can't they go to Sienn?"

Bai YueSheng couldn't accept this. "If they can do it why didn't they do it before?"

Ah Jiu: "Previously you also weren't doing a promotional mission."

Bai YueSheng: "...." He couldn't argue with this.

As expected this promotion mission wasn't as simple as he thought. But why did he have to get caught up with all these ex boyfriends? It simply wasn't logical!

Bai YueSheng calmed down. He didn't ask Ah Jiu "Why would I return to Earth after confessing to Neil", because he already knew the answer.

After all these years together, he knew Ah Jiu's way of doing things. He knew he had compiled all the previous data and analyzed it to get this conclusion.

Bai YueSheng thought for while and then said, "The side mission was triggered by Neil Maine, so to end the mission I need to fulfil Neil's wish?"

Ah Jiu: "That's right. It seems that this black dragon's feelings for you are very deep." The last words carried a tone of ridicule.

Bai YueSheng was used to this and didn't pay it any mind. He was thinking... Ah Jiu's IQ was very high however his EQ was very normal. Don't rely on a ten thousand year old lolicon system to understand anything about romance, especially homosexual romance. So Bai YueSheng thought that probably just saying "I like you" would be insufficient.

Bai YueSheng asked, "How much time do I have?" He was referring to how much time he had before Jeremy or Qiu ChangFeng or one of his other ex-boyfriends (his heart was really very tired) came.

Ah Jiu estimated: "Around 3 days."

Bai YueSheng took a deep breath. "That's too short!"

Ah Jiu threw two words at him: "Add oil."

His mind became quiet and Bai YueSheng also had a plan.

Three days time was too short so he had to increase his speed. Saying "I like you" was nothing, even if it wasn't successful he might be able to get some more information.

After making up his mind, Bai YueSheng now didn't want to roll into bed with Neil Maine. This guy's body strength was too high and he was naturally "gifted". If they really did it wouldn't just be three days! Then probably there would be a scene of the ex-boyfriend catching them red-handed in bed together, the thought was damn terrifying!

Bai YueSheng could barely breathe from the kiss so he pushed Neil away. Neil didn't continue.

He continued to stare at him, his golden eyes was so bright that it was actually more difficult to see what lay beneath them.

Bai YueSheng narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Neil..."

Neil Maine, "Yes?"

Bai YueSheng tried to avoid his gaze. "Arisson said that three outside was brought by you as a... bride price?" After speaking a flush swiftly rose onto his pale skin until even the tips of his pointed ears became slightly red. The appearance was very mesmerizing.

Neil Maine throat moved as he swallowed.

Bai YueSheng had raised his head. His pair of emerald-like eyes were flowed with complex emotions. The appearance was like the natural resources from the Tree of Life: warm, beautiful and tender. He said, "Neil, do you like me?"

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