Chapter 7

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On returning to the packhouse I again found Amber to be restless like earlier, I tried calming her down but she kept repeating the words "mate is here Sophie" and I just could not understand what had gotten into her really and why she was telling me this repeatedly, we were rejected by Brian and God knows why she still felt connected to him. So I sent her into the back of my mind and blocked her for sometime..i went to clean up and get ready for bed, I had a lot of questions to ask my parents about what was so astonishing about my wolf but that can wait for now. I had seen so much throughout the day that I needed to just sleep on it and with this thought I glided into deep sleep. Next morning when I woke up I was surprised to see myself feeling so much better already and right then I thought of Brian, it hurt a little, I had to let everyone know about it now but I felt it did not hurt me the way breaking of a mate bond should, on the contrary my heart was filled with hope, I do not know at this point what that hope was about but it was definitely there.With a shrug I felt it was time to face everyone and spill the truth, so I just got out of my pajamas and put on my denim shorts with a grey hoodie, quickly tied my hair into a high ponytail and headed to the dining room.

Brian was already there and wasn't speaking much, infact he was eating quietly. Our parents sat on a nearby table and I took my seat next to Ella and began eating." what was that last night babes? i thought people would eat you with their eyes if they could" I just shook my head and replied "I dunno myself,I am asking all elders about it post breakfast and oh yes there is this one more thing ,I found my mate yesterday" I was about to say more when I heard the loudest scream and Ella's strong arms clutched me so tight in a hug that I thought she would crush me to nothing. Just then I heard some cutlery drop and my Mom came running towards me, "Ohh honey, you found him, well well we couldn't be happier, where is he" there were more cheering and few claps from other tables and everyone looked so eager to know the details. Brian was stiff in his seat and was staring at his food with too much interest one would think but I knew what was happening, he was anticipating the worst here amidst everyone but I couldn't do this to his parents atleast, so I asked everyone politely if we could move to a quiet room. Everyone hushed and shushed excitedly and suddenly I felt my cheeks getting hot and I tried to match everyone's happy gaze "So I was saying, I found my mate yesterday afternoon, but he rejected me, he said he did not want me and I accepted it" there was deadly silence in the room, Ella's mouth fell open, Alpha and Luna Stacy looked at each other in an awkward way ,my parents eyes were wide in horror while Noah seemed furious "Sophie ,your mate rejected you? who is he id better deal with him right now ,I want to know why he did that to are just perfect Sophs which fool would reject you ?" silence again..Brian did not say a word all this time and I was shocked at how he had left me alone to deal with this entire situation "Its Brian"I finally spilled

Now there was horror on every face present in the room "What"?? snapped Alpha Richard,Luna Stacy had covered her mouth with her hands while my Mom was confused and teary eyed and my Dad was looking between me and Brian. Noah just stood where he was like a statue, its as if blood had drained completely from his body and he wasn't able to register what he had just heard. Ella sat down on the nearby couch and I was just left feeling awkward and helpless, I mean there wasn't anything I could do about it now and clearly everyone was upset and it was because one of my situation

"Brian what is Sophie saying,did you really reject her ?" his father asked him "Yes I did Dad" he said soflty

Now his Mom stepped up and asked "Brian you would have known that she is your mate for two years now,why did you hide such a big thing from all of us,and how in the Goddess name did you control yourself all this time,and the day she realized that you are mates you rejected her? what is all this Brian,pl say something,this is too much to know, Sophie would have been the perfect Luna to the pack and so much more would have fallen into place ,just what was in your mind all this time son,I sure taught you better than this?" and with this she too sat down next to Ella and started to sob.

After a few moments of very awkward silence finally Brian spoke "It was for you Noah,I rejected Sophie because of you " "Whattt" Noah snapped so loudly I thought he would break something "you know me,you know how I have been and you are like a brother to me,I couldn't do this to your sister and so I thought I would free her to a better life that she deserved"

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