Chapter 6

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I called for one of the omegas to get some water and juice to my room.Mrs.Lawson,the head cook omega herself came and quietly laid down a tray full of cookies and cupcakes that she had made for me as a small present,she was the best cook of our pack and since her childhood she made sure to make atleast one of our favourite foods everyday,for all four of us,she worked tirelessly and always had a warm smile on her face.She had a worried look when she saw me in the room,I assured her that it was just over training and tiredness that came with it, she made me have some juice and after forcefully stuffing two cupcakes down my throat she hugged me and left for the kitchen.This small act of hers made my decision of holding and healing myself even stronger.

It was people like her who gave their entire life serving and working day and night,they did not have high ranks or the physical strength to fight when they were under attack and for those times higher ranked wolves like us trained and vowed to protect them from all evil.Then how can I now forget all about them and grieve for my personal loss,the pain of losing a mate was too much to bear,physically the pain seemed good enough to kill but I still chose to rise.With this thought I put on a light cotton white dress with matching footwear and highlighted my eyes a little.The makeup also helped hiding my tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes.I left my hair lose and put a few small fresh flowers on one side to give it a perfect sundowner look.I walked towards the lawn where the ceremony was going to take place and saw a stage standing right towards the cenre.A few elders were seated on some chairs placed on stage and two carved chairs put together which were empty for now.A huge King chair was kept right in the centre and I assumed that it was for the newly appointed Alpha.In a few minutes more and more people started to come and Alpha Richard and Luna Stacy happily walked towards the sage holding each other's hands and greeting everyone.I wondered what their reaction would be when they found out about us.They were each other's destined mates and had been together since the day they found each other,how would it affect them to know that their son did not care about his mate bond.My thoughts were interrupted by a gorgeous looking Ella,who came towards me and punched me hard on my arm for not waiting up for her,then she suddenly warmed up and squeaked in happiness to see that I had gotten ready on my own not in my regular look but a nice lady like beautiful style.She even had a few tears stating that her Sophie had finally grown up into a woman ,this girl and he acting skills always too dramatic.I rolled my eyes at her little act but suddenly felt like I lost my balance,suddenly Amber was restless and I was trying to calm her down but she wouldn't stop.

"He is here Sophie,our mate is here" she kept repeating this "I know he is here Amber but would you please relax,he is not our mate anymore,we accepted his rejection remember?now relax as after the ceremony will me my first shift and I will really need your cooperation" saying this I sent her in the back of my mind.Brian walked towards the stage and everyone fell silent.Alpha Richard got up from his chair and asked everyone to maintain decorum while the ceremony takes place,after which one elder came fowrad and started chanting something in a different language.He then went over to Brian and kept his hand over Brian's head and kept chanting something for a long time.

He then got a small bottle out from his cloak pocket and sprayed a few drops of whatever was inside that over brian from head to toe.Then he asked Alpha Richard to come forward and handed him a brass bowl which looked really ancient and handed over a golden dagger to him,he kept chanting and now the other three elders came forward to chant together too.

Alpha Richard made a cut in Brian's right hand and collected the blood in the bowl,he then handed it back to the elder who lifted it up towards the moon and and started singing the chant even louder.Suddenly a violet ray emerged from the bowl towards the moon and remained that way for a minute before dying out ,with it the elders stopped chanting too.Alpha Richard asked Brian to hold his cut palm out and then a silver light from the moon came right down and struck his palm and healed it completely.

Instantly all pack members had this huge urge of kneeling down as a strong aura surrounded Brian now with a silver halo that floated over his head for a minute and everyone including me were on our knees and heads down for a few moments.We then stood up together and cheered for Brian and our pack.Alpha Richard announced it was time for the pack's run with their Alpha but he was interrupted by one of the elders who said any one in the pack who is going to shift for the first time today should come forward.People were looking around and whispering and checking everywhere for all who had their first shift.

I gulped and realised that I was the only one to shift for the first time and was asked to come forward in the small clearing.He then told everyone that it was considered auspicious to have their first shift on the day of the alpa ceremony and such wolves always bring great pride to the pack.My parents beamed at me proudly and everyone looked at me with smiles stretched across their faces but Brian looked totally emotionless and did not look me in the eye.I then took my position for my shift in front of everyone,I knew it was going to be painful but what I did not expect was hundred of eyes fixed on me while doing so.i closed my eyes and offered my gratitude to the Moon Goddess and asked Amber"are you ready for this"? "I am if you are gorgeous,lets do it" she replied .I was so proud of her,the way she had composed herslef even under so much stress was unbelievable and with this I began to shift.I had my doubts as I was weak from heartbreak and it could make first time shifting very difficult and sometimes even impossible,to make matters worse I was doing it in front of the pack.

The bones started to crack and break and change shape and soon I found my claws coming out,it was so painful at a point that I thought I may not be able to complete the shifitng when my skin felt like it was set on fire and the pain became even more terrible but as I was about to give up,I felt soft fur instead of my skin,and realized that Amber was finally out.I was so ecstatic for letting her out for the first time,the fact that I felt complete today and we were finally unleashed in front of the world.Happy in my own thoughts I did not realise for a long time that everyone around me had falled silent,it was pin drop silence,some faces looked confused, some looked pale,some even looked as if they had seen a ghost and some did not seem to understand anything happening. Even Brian was looking at me with shock and curiosity and I just did not know if i had done it wrong or was I too beautiful in my wolf form or what it was to captivate everybody around in this shock and confusion.My parents looked like they couldn't believe their eyes and Noah stood still,with one hand on his waist while the other on his forehead lightly scratching it.

One of the elders said "ohh Goddess, this has to mean something. Looks like we are blessed with the Amber wolf ,it is a very rare sight Alpha as the last Amber wolf recorded was about three hundred years back and so nobody knows when it was seen last but this certainly has more to it than we can think of just now,to have the Amber wolf in our pack will show its effects soon" and with this for a moment I felt like they all looked overjoyed but were soon interrupted by alpha Richard who asked "but what does it mean for Sophie" to which nobody spoke anything for a while until the same elder said "it means she is born for great things, she will bring us to the path of higher success but we need to find out more about this. We will start the research on the Amber wolf starting now and get back with different theories and their meanings to you soon"

"Very well then, good its being taken care of and now lets not make Sophie and her new wolf and all other pack members wait to have their first run with their Alpha" Alpha Richard spoke and one by one all the members shifted to their wolves and followed Alex, Brian's wolf, into the forest who led them to a clearing on the edge of the cliff and looked up to the moon and let out a long howl.

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