Chapter 4

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Brian's POV

I was furious knowing that the girls had crossed our pack borders without thinking a bit about their safety,they were being foolish but I had my men follow them everywhere.Even the hotel they were staying in was one of our latest ventures but very few people knew about it.My guards were watching them both the entire time,I received their picture from one of them when they were outside the club,I was beyond shocked seeing them,Ella I knew would act kiddish but I expected so much better than that from Sophie.I knew at that very instant that the girls were in some possible danger and I mindlinked Noah before leaving my office and started my car pacing at a fast speed towards the town,I was not even halfway when I was mindlinked that Damien was present at the club.I sped up even more as I knew what that pervert was famous for and I knew he would have cloaked his scent but he would know in an instant seeing Ella and Sophie that they were not humans.My men had surrounded the entire club from outside and were waiting for my orders but I reached well in time to make sure that matters don't get out of hand .

The moment I stepped in I saw him right across the dance floor getting too close to Sophie,I saw she wasn't liking it but Damien wouldn't let go of her,if he had set his eyes on her then he wouldn't back off untill he would have it his way,before I knew I let out a roaring growl,my wolf Alex wanted to come out and tear the bastard to pieces,I too wanted to do it right there but I knew better that would have been a big mistake.As Alpha I was responsible for the enitre pack and I couldn't put them under so much risk by losing my temper in a public place full of humans,not to mention the trial we would all face post that with the council.

But I could not bear him touching Sophie like that,I couldn't bare anyone even looking at her,she was made for me ,nobody could touch her.She looked heavenly but the thought that other men were looking at her long legs and bare back with so much lust wanted me to rip the building to bits.Next I knew I was breaking furniture and smashing his men,that was a signal to him to let go off the girls and backout ,he was a smart guy he knew where this would all leave us and backed off for then,though I am sure he will not take this humiliating incident easy and would come up with something soon.Till then I would have to keep an eye on Sophie at all times,I could not risk her safety.I Knew she avoided me,I knew she did not want my company,I knew she could barely look at me but I wish I could tell her that she was running in my mind all the time.I was so fucked up because of her constant thoughts that I started to stay off and spent my major time in the company of pack whores.everyone thought I couldn't find my Luna and was letting off my frustration by being with women but nobody knew I had found my mate on the day of my eighteenth birthday right here in the packhouse.


The day of my eighteenth birthday arrived and after meeting my Dad and Mom in his office and taking their blessings I headed towards the dining room.My mother was so excited to think that I would soon find my mate and my Dad would hand over the title to me and our family would expand and so much more.I wont lie I had waited for my mate all these years too but while growing up I had given in to some temptations and it struck me that if the mate bond is really so magical then I would never get to live the life of a bachelor casanova ever.

So I enjoyed my popularity,I enjoyed getting so much attention from girls all around and the thought that they were ready to do anything to please me only massaged my ego more.Next thing I knew was that every girl in the school wanted to be with me and over the last one year I had enjoyed with so many girls that it only felt right to get someone as a mate who too would have a character like me.But as fate would have it,I found that the best girl I ever knew turned out to be my mate.I was at the breakfast table with Noah and other boys when it hit me hard,the scent of green apples in their best bloom,so fragrant and fresh,it was the most delicious smell ever and I was getting so intoxicated by it that I got up and started moving towards its source as if under a spell.I was left dumbfounded when I realised the scent was getting stronger and Sophie headed down the staircase towards our table,I stopped right there in my tracks and if to double check rubbed my eyes a little but yes I was right,the Moon Goddess had given me Sophie as my mate.I so wanted to plunge on her there and then but I knew I would have to act normal.

First,Sophie was still not of age so she could not feel the bond and second,I felt like I was betraying Noah.Noah was not just my future beta,he was my best friend,a brother to me.He knew all my deeds better than anyone else and to now get his sister as a mate felt like I backstabbed him somehow.Sophie was a beautiful,smart and dignified she wolf,she respected everyone and was adored by the entire pack.she had never dated anyone and everyone knew she was saving herself only for her mate,she was pure as the Goddess herself and on the other hand I was such a lose character guy that I just did not feel that it was fair to her or Noah or to their parents.She definitely deserved better and right then I decided I wouldn't let anyone know that my mate was rught there in front of my eyes all the time when they all thought I couldn't find my luna.I ruined my image more in front of her by spending all my time with more and more she wolves,I wanted to make sure that she would hate me and wouldn't ever even consider being with me.It only felt right to set her free and let her live her life peacefully with someone who was like her and would sincerely deserve all of her.Yes ,this sounded fine,I would reject her when the time came and set her free.

End of flashback

Coming out of my thoughts,I realised I was still in my office and Noah and Allen had left a long time ago.I got up to leave for my room when it struck me that I still needed to close some discussions with Noah and mind linked him that I was coming to his room for a minute.I was on the way to his room when it struck me,the lingering scent of fresh green apples,it was a magical pull and I found myself standing at Sophie's door.I pushed it open hoping to see her deep in sleep but all I could see were her clothes thrown on the floor and some singing voice coming from the bathroom.Seeing her clothes on the floor made me want her so much more,seeing her tiny skirt and her corset and pink lace panties,fuck,it made me so hard that I wanted to burst her bthroom door open and take her right there.Alex ran restlessly in my head "slow down you fool,why do you have to behave this way" I barked at him "mate,mate his here,I want mate,why do you keep me away from her Brian,you know it is going against the Goddess's plans for us,she has made us for each other why are you being so foolish and keeping so distant from her,tell her,she will feel the bond too,please take me to mate "

'NO" I snapped back at him "we cant do that,she deserves better" and with this I closed her door shut and left for my room on the top floor hurriedly.

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