Side Marks

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*A/N I cant claim all of these as my own, but the majority are. Just little notes and side marks that I've come across in my searches. Some are just to make you think... yup... enjoy*

What is fear but the backwards hope of pain?

I'm sorry I cared at all

I'm drunk enough to text you but sober enough to regret it.

The smallest coffins are the heaviest.

I've always been told there are two sides to every story.... but who tells the other half when your the only one there?

I embrace the theory of love, but in practice it befuddles me.

Let's be anti-social together

Tears roll down her eyes when she realizes there is no reprieve from this thing they all call life
Years pass on by, seen but not seeing those happy times what is the goal when you just want to die?

Yeah, well you can see both sides of a coin when you look at it in a mirror

Everyone is asking if I'm alright. I just nod my head and sigh. cause it only hurts when I breathe
in and out
every day

So i took a breath, turned my back, and walked away

This world sucks so i made my own. Only, all my imperfections followed me. And Im just as misrable here as before,because you're still not with me. And i cant tell anyone anything, because then it wouldnt be a perfect world for them, even if it is my world...

She'll take all your problems away
Thats what she's there for anyway
Just tell her  secrets
All of your shame
But dont worry bout her
Cuz she'll be okkay

Pressures that prompted mass shootings also spur quiet suicides.

//New stuff//

Music makes friends of us all, if only you can find the right song

You're not actual people, and I get that, but its cool that yall have bodies like the rest of us.

I've never been particularly obsessed over anything because I've never let myself become that way, unless you count the ideal, or the theory, of something.

I just want someone to come and save me from this saddness im feeling.

I just want to crawl into a hole and hide from everyone. But im practically allready there, no one sees me anyways

Youre not shit. You're human
Just because you have shit in you doesnt make you full  shit

I like how glasses suggest intelligence rather than broken eyes.

Random, chaos-ed minds are the most inginuitive because they're the ones that connect to unseemingly thoughts together and get amazing outcomes. Lke chemicals, sometime you mix themrandomly j u st to see what you can get. And most times its nonsensical, unusable stuff, but on occasion it's a lost piece in a puzzle or they key to life, or just the best pizza topping combo ever.

Just A Troubled Mind Looking For PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now