part 16 summer camp (ii)

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3rd person pov

"This is delicious!" Kirishima said as he eat more. "We just gonna cook for you today. Start tmr u all gonna cook by yourself" pixie bob said

"U sure eat a lot yaomomo" mina said. "Yeah.. my quirk is allow me to make more things if i eat more" she said.

"Oh..just like poop" sero said.

Momo depress. "SAID SORRY!" jiro punch sero. "Sorry!"

"Btw who are u guys?" Iida ask the stranger. "We are lower rank demon slayer which still training under komura sama now. Since she go to camp we need to follow her and train in the morning and night" one of them said.

"Wait night too? I tot u guys having night training cuz she can't train u guys in the morning.. so i tot if u guys train in the morning.. in the night u guys will have a rest" tokoyami said.

" we still training in the night till 11 pm" Murata said. "Speak of that.. Where's komura san" shoji said.

"Idk.. but its kinda better she's not here.. she's to scaryy" one of them said. "..aren't u overreacting.. she's nice to us. Even sometimes she look scary but she'll still nice" iida said.

"I don't agree.." "me too.." "yeah.." they said. "But i agree with them. Akira san is really nice if u don't make her mad" tanjiro said.

"Everyone who's under me" akira walk to them. "Akira where u go?" Uraraka ask. "Just walk in the forest" she answer.

"Everyone who's under me. Stop eating. 30 minutes done and now continue to train" she announced.

"Ouh man.." some of them complain. "Aren't u bit too.. push them?" Kirishima ask her.

" u wanna rest now? Wanna let muzan live and we die huh?" Akira ask the lower rank.

"No! Everyone lets go!" One of them said. "Lets go! We looking forward for the training!" They shout.

'That's too fast!' 1A tot

4 hours later

"I can't.." the lower rank fall on the ground

The next day

I wake up from my sleep. I grab my phone and it was 5.20. '10 minutes more for training'

I stand up to see all the girls sleeping. I smile a bit and walk out from the room. I enter the lower rank moon.

I inhale. "WAKE UP!" i shout. "Wargh!" "Wth-" "what happened?!" "Is muzan attack?" They said.

"Oii. Wake up. Take shower. I make breakfast for u guys" i said and walk away.

I just wash my face and put on some lotion vanilla on my body. Put some deodorant and cook breakfast.

"Morning.." aizawa mumble and walk in the kitchen. "Morning" vlad also enter the kitchen.

"Morning. I make breakfast for lower rank. Want too?" I ask them. "Sure" they said. Aizawa went to make coffee and vlad make some tea.

I done cooking and place it on table. "Pancake" i said to them. "Thanks" aizawa said and bite the food.

"It's delicious..thanks" vlad said. "No problem".

I heard step coming this way. "Ohayo gozaimasu komura sama" they said in unison. "Ohayo akira san!" Tanjiro said. "Ohayo komura sama" murata said. "FIGHT ME YOU ICY PILLAR!" inosuke shout. "Stop it.." tanjiro said as zenitsu start fanboying to me.

"Ohayo. I cook breakfast. In 6 minutes we gonna start the training. Better hurry or u guys gonna run for 28 kilometers" i said to them.

They quickly went to eat. "UMAAAIII" inosuke said. "Eat slowly or u will choke" zenitsu said. "Nyehehehehe" he grab tanjiro food.

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