Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Roye Declan's POV

It's Saturday night, and right after our practice we immediately went straight ahead to my house to have a small party. Unfortunately, It's just me and the boys and some of our friends who's not in the team are here as well.

I invited Angela earlier, but she refused without a second. Saying she has a big party to attend to. That's what she said. I'm not against it. I'm actually waiting for her to invite me also, but it turns out she doesn't want to be with me in that party. So yeah, I'm here instead.

“Ah, the practice today is so exhausting!” Felix exclaimed as he plop himself down comfortably on my sofa. The others did not fall behind and immediately agree with him, and they soon all started talking some nonsense mockery about our coach.

I smirk and put my cellphone down on the desk infront us with a loud thud. All of them turn their heads on me, and when they saw the devilish look I'm giving, they almost fell in front of the table just to reach my cellphone.

I just let them do it, my phone is low battery anyway. Though it's truly disappointing that I did not get to record them. I wonder how the coach will react to it, if ever he happened to hear it.

It did not take long for their reactions to burst. They started cursing me one by one. And I act like I'm offended, but to be honest I'm enjoying it. Earlier in our practice, they are all worn out. Therefore, I'm going to treat them nice for tonight.

Soon after, they all calm down and start doing their own business. However, it was not long before I noticed the slight presence of two of my companions. The food monster and our mother figure of the group seems a lot more quieter tonight.

My eyes searched for them, and I had no difficulty when I immediately saw the two on the side of our house. I frown. What are they doing in there?

I've decided to approach them, and immediately raise from my seat. And with a can of beer on my hand, I lean on the wall not to far from them. I first observe what are they doing, and my confusion just grow even more when I saw them just staring at Arson's phone, like a big food or what will get out of it in no time.

I tap my foot on the tiled floor, but the two did not even budge and that made me curious even more. Maybe they are watching porn? Morons, are they really embarrassed right now? I will understand if it's only Codee, but Arson? Fuck him. His bolder than me.

I was about to start talking, but then Arson start moving like he's getting excited. “He sent a picture!” the food monster said enough for me to hear. I thought I was the only one who heard it, but then Emman, Felix and one of my outsider friend — Kyle —started joining us.

“What's up with you guys having an another world? Who sent a picture? Are those fruity?” I rolled my eyes at Kyle's horny remark. He immediately sat down next to the two and was curious about what the two had been looking at earlier.

“What are they doing?” asked Emman, but I shrugged my shoulders and just follow the three to also have a look of what they're ogling.

“Idiot! This is our friend, he's on a date and he just sent a picture with the girl.” Arson stated. And the realization dawned on me. Today is saturday and their little friend is having a date with Angela's friend. Ah, I remember now. That's why these two are like these.

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