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well well well would you look at that? 2021 is finally coming to an end for me tonight. i wish all of you a very very happy new year wherever you are in the world. much love✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍🥂

TW: minimal swearing
word count: 3840

Tara: "Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart." Haruki Murakami.

Emily stepped out of the elevator with her bag clutched tightly in her hand. The raven-haired woman looked around at the hallways filled with different agents.

"You must be Agent Emily Prentiss," a blonde woman said as she walked down the hall. Emily turned to face the voice and her jaw dropped when she saw the gorgeous woman standing there. "Hi, I'm Jennifer Jareau, communications liaison."

"Hi, I'm Emily," Emily said and smiled as she stuck out her hand. The blonde woman chuckled as she nodded her head. "Of course, you already knew that."

"No, I get it. First day gutters are a killer," JJ said and smiled softly at Emily. "Come on, let me show you around. All the team is not in yet. They all usually get here later."

"So why are you here so early then?" Emily asked and followed after JJ as they walked towards the bullpen. "Aren't you a part of the team too?"

"A little knowledge you'll need is that I'm always here earlier. I clean up and practically manage this team," JJ said and laughed. Emily liked the sound of her laughter. In that moment, she decided it was up to her to hear it everyday. Emily looked over her shoulder and saw a few agents practically running to get to their desks. She almost thought the poor agents would pass out by how heavily they were breathing. "Luckily for you, we don't have a new case today. I also freed up my afternoon so we could have lunch in my office for questions."

"So I can't ask one right now?" Emily asked and raised an eyebrow. JJ squinted her eyes and tilted her head slightly. "Is it always this chaotic?"

"Welcome to the team, Agent Prentiss," JJ said and smiled widely at Emily. The raven-haired woman nodded her head and smiled back at her.

"You're going to burn those eggs," Will said as he came down the stairs. Hearing his voice made JJ snap out of her daydream. The blonde woman grabbed the spatula and flipped the browned eggs. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry," JJ said and turned around as Will walked up to her. The man placed his hand on JJ's cheek, his thumb stroking over the woman's delicate features.

"Well, I'm glad you're taking two weeks. The boys missed your breakfast buffet," Will said and leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on JJ's cheek.

"You're going to work, right?" JJ asked as she turned around and plated the semi-burnt eggs onto a plate. All she needed was to set everything out and grab the boys' their drinks.

"Yes. I'll be back before you know it, I promise. I might even bring home some food if the boys tire you out too much today," Will said and smiled softly. He reached over JJ's shoulder and grabbed a piece of bacon the woman had made not too long ago. "We'll just have to see how the day goes."

"Okay," JJ said and smiled shyly at her husband. Will happily poured himself a to-go cup of coffee. Both of them heard four little legs racing down the stairs.

"Mom!" Henry shouted as he ran up to JJ. The blonde woman dropped her spatula before catching the flying boy. He held onto JJ tightly as his mother kissed his head sweetly. "You're home. You're home."

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