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the day is FINALLY HERE. the end of this book??? can y'all believe it??? god this was truly one of my favorite books to write (i say that about every book but still)

i want to say a quick thank you to my martina. she gave me the idea for the ending of this book, even though she probably didn't realize it. so thank you for this and all you do for me🫶

as always, there will be no trigger warnings as they contain spoilers. but if you're not comfortable reading without them, please feel free to message me for them😊

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

word count: 5876

Emily: "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." E.E. Cummings.

"Come on down, Henry! You'll miss the car ride and we can't take you!" Will shouted as he walked over to the stairs. The young boy came running down the stairs with a pep to his step. "Come on. Miss Williams is coming to pick you and Michael up any minute now."

"And we'll be gone for three days," Henry said as he looked up at his father. "Mom is going to have a lot of time to bake for us."

Will chuckled as he placed his hand onto Henry's back. "Yes she will. Come on."

Michael and JJ walked down the stairs hand in hand with a small suitcase. The younger boy was practically clinging onto her with all his strength. Will looked up at JJ and smiled softly.

"Remember, wash your hands before you eat, thank Miss Williams for each meal you're given, and don't play so rough with your friends. It's not every day that you get invited to a three day slumber party," JJ said as she looked down at Michael. When she reached the bottom she looked over at Henry. The older boy nodded his head slightly as he quickly packed last minute essentials. "Make sure to share your games with the other kids there too."

"We know," Henry said and zipped up his bag. The two boys quickly finished packing before hugging Will tightly. JJ tore her eyes away from the hug. She already felt like a terrible person for planning to split up this marriage, she didn't need to be reminded of it every single second. That was until she felt two arms wrap around her. JJ glanced down and saw Michael hugging her with all his strength. Henry walked up to JJ and shut his eyes as he hugged his mom tightly. "It's only for three days."

"I know, but I'll miss you every second," JJ said and placed her hands on either of the boys' heads. All three of them shut their eyes as they enjoyed the peace of their hug. JJ never wanted to let them go. She wanted to take the boys with her and run where ever she'd go next. She wanted to shield them from the hurt that they were about to live in. She couldn't help but pray to the universe for a way out of this situation without hurting them. That was JJ's one wish but now is becoming a harsh reality. "I love you both. Don't forget that."

"We're going for the weekend, mom," Michael said and giggled up at his mother. JJ smiled genuinely as she combed a hand through his hair. "We'll be back."

"I know," JJ said and leaned her head against Henry's. Just then, the sound of a car honking was heard. JJ's embrace tightened as this was the last time Henry and Michael would step out of this house with two 'happily' married parents. Both boys pulled away from JJ and grabbed their things in a hurry. JJ watched as they both gave her a quick final hug goodbye to her and Will before running out the door.

She didn't hear a single thing being said between Will and Miss Williams, all her attention was on the two boys climbing into the car.  Henry and Michael both started laughing as they saw their friends in the car with them. JJ's heart was full. She was thankful that they were happy at this moment. She loved seeing that no matter how old they got. Henry turned and noticed his mother watching them carefully. He waved and smiled widely at her. JJ waved and smiled back before blowing a kiss. Henry waved one last time at his mom before shutting the door.

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