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hello hello hello!! good morning lovelies, i hope everyone is doing well. and a very happy holidays to all that celebrate🥰

i've also made the decision to NOT post any chapter previews for both this book and my other one. they're really time consuming to make and i'd rather focus on the writing itself😁

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: minimal swearing, mentions of alcohol, homophobia, trauma
word count: 3788

Emily: "To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves." Federico Garcia Lorca.

"I've always loved you."

Those words rang out through JJ's mind the entire time she was sitting at Rossi's wedding. The blonde woman tried her hardest to remain collected as she felt Will gently placed his hand on JJ's wrist. She looked over at him and smiled forcefully. Guilt ran through her body as she looked at her husband.

"You okay?" Will asked softly as conversation happened in the background around them. JJ shrugged her shoulders slightly. It wasn't like she could particularly tell Will what was bothering her.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Do you want anything to drink?" JJ asked and pulled her hand away from Will's.

"Yeah sure," Will said as he made a move to get up. JJ stopped him and smiled softly.

"I'll get it," JJ said and nodded her head. She didn't stick around to hear the protest from Will. The blonde woman quickly made her way to the bar for a drink. She needed a few in order to get through this wedding.

Spencer, who was sneaking glances at JJ the entire night, walked up towards the bar where JJ was. His heart was beating out of his chest. The two were on edge with each other since the hostage situation that happened just two weeks ago. JJ had stupidly confessed her love for Spencer when Casey had a gun to his head. Needless to say, tensions were high between the two.

"You okay?" Reid asked as he leaned against the counter. JJ glanced over at the man and nodded her head. She was about to walk away when he grabbed onto her arm gently. "Jennifer. You can't ignore me forever."

"I'm not ignoring you," JJ said and chuckled forcefully. She was. It was painfully obvious that she was. "I just— I haven't seen you until right now."

"You're sitting right across from my table, nice try. We still need to talk about this," Spencer said and tilted his head slightly. JJ's heartbeat started racing as she stood in front of him. He noticed that shift right away.

"Talk about what?" JJ asked and shrugged her shoulders. She prayed silently that his eidetic memory would vanish and he'd forget such events. Spencer's eyes scanned the wedding venue. Nobody was looking towards them.

"Did you mean it?" Spencer asked before taking a sip of his water. JJ bit the inside of her cheek as her champagne glass became the most interesting thing in the world.

"Yes I did," JJ said and swallowed hard. "But, Spence, it—it wasn't meant for you."

"What do you mean?" Spencer asked and furrowed her eyebrows. "If it wasn't meant for me then—"

"Hey. They're about to start cutting the cake. Did you guys want a slice?" Emily asked as she walked up to the two. She gently placed her hand on JJ's bicep. The blonde woman smiled shyly at the gesture, her eyes were now locked onto Emily.

"Yeah. Cake is great," JJ said, not fully processing the words before they slipped out of her mouth. Emily smiled back at her before her eyes landed on Spencer.

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