08 - stab a lover in the back

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Hikari couldn't get to work after Ran's doings. to think that for a minute she was just peacefully asleep and the next she was being torn apart by the person at the top of her kill list.

wrapped in his covers and wearing a large hoodie that belonged to him as well, she glared at Ran who was fixing up his tie. it was about ten in the morning already, the fact that she couldn't go to work from a fever encouraging Ran to take his time on a second round of sex inside the bathroom.

"you're radiating bloodlust, Hikari," Ran chuckles as he faces her.

she clicks her tongue and tightens the covers around her in shame. she lost to him twice in the same day. just yesterday night, she was adamant on escaping today by all means before anything could happen between her and Ran.

but she can't even move now...and something did happen between them—twice. what she hates most is that she enjoyed every second of it, and she was already thinking of how there was probably no one else out there who could make her feel all that Ran made her feel; as he licked her, as he thrusted into her, touching and squeezing her wherever his hands would allow...

"Hikari?" Ran says in concern.


she was too disappointed in herself to even be seriously angry at him. Ran was such a weakness and there was no one else to blame but the person who submitted to her weakness—herself.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," he mutters, scanning her face intently.

"no, please take your time," she smiles sarcastically at him.

"won't you be lonely without me?"

"the fuck are you on about? I still hate your guts, Ran. you even made me sick, you're a plague, seriously."

she curses him under her breath, her words no longer coherent to Ran as he looks at her amusedly. she really had such a nasty temper but he can't bring himself to even be annoyed of constantly getting insulted by a woman he could easily kill since she's already served her purpose.

he marches to her bedside, watching her flinch away as he sits down on the mattress just beside her. Hikari cautiously looks back at him in a guarded position with her arms wrapped around herself. Ran smiles at her as he reaches his hand out closer to her.

"don't you even dare."

she couldn't take a third round even if she tried—she'll die.

"hmm, you're really sick," he says in thought.

to Hikari's surprise, his hand lands only against her forehead to feel her temperature. she blinks at him as he fixes up the covers around her frame that had slipped off when she moved away from him.

yet again, a gentleman-like Ran just hit differently. doesn't mean she'll hate him any less though.

"it's your fault I'm sick."

"there you go again, putting all the blame on me. your temperature's been high since earlier you know. it's because you refused to sleep under the covers the entire night."

"so you knew I was sick and still ruthlessly fuc—"

"go back to sleep. I'll be here to nurse you by the time you wake up," Ran interrupts her with an innocent smile.

he would stay if it weren't for the executive's wrath in his absence. they wanted a status report on yesterday's job—the traitor he had killed, and what information was leaked to the organization that had bribed the rat. in other words, he was today's most important man yet he was also the only one absent.

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