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💙Revolution - The Score💙

⚔️Born for this - The Score⚔️

💙Warriors - Imagine Dragons💙

⚔️Animals - Maroon 5⚔️

💙Radioactive - Imagine Dragon💙

⚔️Ghost Town - Adam Lambert ⚔️

💙Branded - Natewantstobattle💙

⚔️Fly - Sleeping with Sirens⚔️

💙Hey Brother - Avicii 💙

⚔️Angel with a shotgun - the Cab⚔️

💙Babel - Mumford and Sons💙

⚔️Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men⚔️

💙Ava - Famy💙

⚔️You Found me - Ben Monteith cover⚔️

💙Ms - Alt J 💙

⚔️Pompeii - Bastille⚔️


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