Chapter 16- I Brought Granola Bars!: Anne Boonchuy

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We're back in Wartwood. I can't believe it. I've actually missed this little town so much, especially because I haven't been in Amphibia for a while. Everyone in the town is coming to greet us. Mrs. Croaker, Mayor Toadstool, Toadie, Leopold Loggle, Mr. Flour, Maddie, Felicia and Ivy Sundew, Soggy Joe, and lots of other citizens. It's sad looking at the damage that King Andrias has done. All the people of the town are dressed in dirty clothes, with war paint on their faces. I look down at my clothes and immediately feel self-conscious. Then all the townspeople yell, "Anne! Hop Pop! Sprig! Polly! Marcy! You've returned!" I immediately feel better. They wouldn't care if my clothes were way cleaner than theirs. They are frogs after all.

"Marcy!" Maddie runs over to her and gives her a hug in a surprising show of affection. Ginger, Lavender, and Rosemary bounce around them both.

"Hi Marcy!" I watch their little reunion. I'm glad that we can find happiness in this hard time. I look over my shoulder to find Sasha and Grime sitting by the statue. They're obviously feeling uncomfortable. I walk over to them.

"Sasha, I'm so glad you're still here," I say as I hug her. I'm just glad that none of my friends have died. I don't know if I could live with that.

"Now, about that food...." She looked at me in a way that made me laugh. I pulled my backpack off my shoulder and pulled out three granola bars. I handed all of them to her. Sasha took a bite of one and said, "Wow, how many do you have in that backpack of yours?"

"I may have taken a whole gigantic box from the pantry at home." Suddenly, I could feel many pairs of eyes staring at me, and all of Wartwood crowded around me.

"You have food?" Mrs. Croaker asked hopefully. Archie barked and whined sadly.

"Yeah. I brought quite a lot from home." I opened up my backpack again and started handing out the granola bars. "Make sure to unwrap them before eating them!" I shouted, watching as Wally choked on the granola bar as he tried to bite the wrapper. I ran over and smacked his back, causing the granola bar to fly out of his mouth and onto the ground. He gasped for breath.

"Thanks, Anne," he croaked, massaging his throat. As Wartwood happily munched on their granola bars, I explained the plan to them.

"It's going to be difficult, and if you don't want to come, I understand. I just know that I can't defeat King Andrias alone."

"Of course, we're coming too!" Ivy Sundew said, peering at us from around the statue.

Sprig spoke up too. "We're with you 'til the end, Anne." I had tears of happiness gathering in my eyes. I had been teleported to such an amazing place. I've met so many good and amazing people and had lots of fun adventures. Now, there was a threat imposing on our freedom. We have to take down King Andrias and save Amphibia.  

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