Chapter 6- Where's Marcy?: Domino Boonchuy

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Anne has been acting strange ever since she came back home. She has these weird powers that make blue lights. She's also been really sad. She brought these weird slimy creatures back with her. I don't like them very much. I've been spying on them from under the couch, where I spend my days now. They seem to want to leave the house, but they don't.

Anne's friends haven't come by either. I liked the one with the black hair the best. She always pets me and gives me the love I deserve. Even when she did an experiment on me and blew up my tail, she's always been my favorite. I wonder if something happened to her. I hope not. I haven't seen the blonde one, either. She wasn't my favorite, but she was okay. I'd take anything over those weird slimy things. Speaking of which, the little one is peeping under the couch at me.

"Hisssssss," I back up even further until my back is against the wall.

"What is wrong with the kitty?" The little one asks, turning away from the couch.

I hear Anne's voice. "She's still getting used to you. She has some trouble getting used to new things."

Yeah. You think? I don't know if I can ever get used to those things.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door. I hear Anne tell the slimy things she calls the Plantars to run up to her room and keep quiet. I hear her footsteps walk towards the door. I peep out from under the couch as she opens the door to see who it is.

"Anne! We heard you're back, so we were wondering if you knew where Marcy was? We've been looking for her ever since you guys went missing," I saw a man and a woman with my human friend's black hair. They must be her parents. They even had her same scent. They looked really tired with huge circles under their eyes and untidy hair.

"Oh, um...I don't know where she is. We got separated when we were...kidnapped by some...mall workers," I could sense Anne's discomfort in lying to Marcy's parents.

"Kidnapped by mall workers? Where did they take you? Marcy might still be nearby. We can help her if you can tell us where she's at," Marcy's parents pressed. "Or did you all just run away because we're moving?"

Anne looked about ready to explode. As she started to open her mouth, her mom walked into the room. "Marcy is staying at an undisclosed location for now, but she is safe. She hasn't wanted to contact you until now, but she wants you to know that she is safe and happy and is eating her vegetables. That is the only message she has given us to tell you when you came here."

Marcy's parents just stood there for a moment, then stepped back outside. They muttered their thanks and then they started arguing just as the door closed. Humans are so complicated. 

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