Chapter 2-Broken: Sasha Waybright

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Dear Anne,

I'm a prisoner. Again. After Marcy got stabbed, King Andrias took us prisoners. Captain Grime and I could've easily broken out by now, but I don't know what Andrias would do to Marcy. I don't want to hurt you and Marcy any more than I already have. I already have to live with that guilt. I can't imagine what Marcy would be going through if she were conscious. I hope she can know that we can, and will, forgive her. I know you can help me to forgive her for this. You've always been the heart of our operation. Anyways, Marcy is in some kind of tank that helps to keep her alive. King Andrias is keeping her in there. I don't know what he's planning, but whatever he is, I plan to find out. Whatever it is, it can't be good.

I bet you're wondering how I managed to find paper to write you letters. It's the craziest thing. In the back of the cell, there is a certain stone that you can pull out, which opens a secret door to a hidden library! It's insane. There was also a ton of weapons just stockpiled there, but we can't really do anything with them right now, for Marcy's sake.

I hope you are well. I desperately wish I could get this letter to you, but I just don't know how that's possible. I know you could help me figure this out. If Marcy were...conscious and healed, then she could definitely help us figure this out, but I'm alone here. You are back home and Marcy is...out of order of sorts.

I know you're probably thinking about my decision to stay back here in Amphibia (or maybe not, but who cares?). I don't really fully understand why I did it, but I think it's because of a couple of things. You know, Marcy wasn't the only one with trouble at home. However, hers was only moving and fighting with her parents one time. For me, this has been going on ever since I was little. For years, I've grown up listening to the fighting of my parents. Yelling, screaming, fighting, you name it. Finally, my parents decided to split up. I stay at my mom's house here in Los Angeles, but I go to my dad's house every once in a while. Maybe that's why I try to control everything. If I could control everything, I would go back to when my mom and dad were happily married and we were just one happy family. I would've told you and Marcy this a long time ago, but I was scared. I was scared of what you would think of me if I told you that my parents are divorced and that I struggle with the need to be in control. I don't think you'll ever read this letter, but thank you for listening. This writing has actually helped me to find some peace during this time. But if you ever actually get this letter, don't tell a soul about all this or I will track you down.

Hugs and kisses!


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