Before 4

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"LOUIS, are you even paying attention?" Zayn waved his hand in front of his face. "We haven't hung out in weeks." He looked a bit a sad at this.

 It wasn't Louis' fault that he hadn't been available. Ever since Harry and Louis had gone on their first date, they had been practically inseparable. Spending almost every minute of each day together, it seemed as if they now moved in unison. Everything was perfect.

Except, one problem. They hadn't really focused on the romantic part of this relationship. Is it even a relationship?? Harry seemed to be okay with what was happening, but did the date mean nothing? 

While Louis was having this inner monologue, Zayn had just walked out and left. He was getting tired of being ignored, and was going to find out what was happening. He hoped Louis was alright and that nothing was wrong.

"Harry, I swear to god if you say 'huh' one more time I'm leaving," Liam threw his hands up, having repeated what he said five times already.

Harry, who was not paying attention again, replied, "Huh?" Liam shook his head, grabbed his jacket, and closed the door behind him. "Wait, Liam," Harry called, but it was too late.

Louis and him has been really close these past few weeks, but it's been too much in the 'friend-zone' for it to be a relationship. And while Louis seemed to be comfortable like this, Harry didn't. The date made it seem like something serious was happening, but maybe not.

But while these two idiots are failing to read between the lines, their friends are facing their own dilemma.

"Liam, calm down, Harry is not a serial killer," Niall talked some sense into Liam. Liam had thought Harry had been killing people in his free time. Niall had been trying to talk to Harry over and over, but each time, he had been blown off. Unlike Liam, Niall recognized the behaviour immediately. "Li, you really don't know what's going?" Niall asked. When Liam shook his head, Niall continued. "He's pining. Remember that date he had? The date he never talked about again? The guy he never told us the name of?"

Liam's eyes widened as everything clicked. "Oh my god. THAT ASSHOLE. HE TOLD ME THE DATE DIDN'T GO WELL!" Liam and Niall looked at each other, one thought was going through their head. 'Who was this mystery person'

Zayn licked his half melted mint chocolate chip ice cream, staring at the empty seat that Louis normally would be sitting in.

"Hey, Zayn, you waiting for Louis, or are you just gonna sit there moping in your ice cream?" Paul, who regularly served Zayn and Louis ice cream, inquired. Zayn glared back, but then his face showed that he had an idea.

"Hey Paul? Louis' been ignoring me for weeks, and he doesn't even pay attention when I talk to him." 

Paul nodded, "Anything significant happen in the past couple weeks?"

"Well it all started after that one date he had, but he told me it didn't it go well so...." Zayn trailed off as he noticed Paul start laughing. "Hey, what are you laughing about"

"I'm sorry it's just, how can someone be so clueless." When Zayn didn't say anything, Paul continued, "the date dummy, something happened, and it definitely went well."

Zayn immediately made an 'ew' sound.  Paul rolled his eyes, "get your brain out of the gutter, I meant that he's spending more time with the person." Zayn, confused about why Louis lied, decided he needed to figure out who was taking up all of Louis's time.

In the time it took for Zayn, Liam, to figure this out, Harry and Louis had texted each other. They were going to get to the bottom of what was going happening. All five of them.

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