Chapter 7 - We get Leprekicked

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HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY! (Late, I know. Sorry!) It's gonna be a super green chapter with a lot of green slimeballs. Hope you like it! *wink*

~ Imagination Queen.

His calves pressing the branch firmly against his thighs, Awkward Pepperoni hung from the tree as he gingerly removed the silk cloth covering the pot of gold. The blood rushing through his head was uncomfortable, yet he was still keen on playing his part of the plant.

The crouched form of Miss Succubus, sitiing on the lower but thcker branch of the tree, handed him the decoy. Taking a deep breath, he performed the switch with nimble hands. As if on cue, the rainbow exploded and a dwarfish man clothed in green came rushing towards the hill on which the tree sat.

"Oh, crap," muttered Succubus.

"ABANDON MISSION! ABANDON MISSION! RETREAT TO HQ!" cried Crystal Grace and Angeline Black (?) as they hovered over the hill.

AP, Succubus,  Ami Redbeard and Destiel jumped off the tree and ran towards the shore, their swords brandished because a pirate retreated in style. Always.

Meanwhile Crystal and Angie spotted three dots heading for the Green Guy. There was a spark of activity. Red flames shot out of Captain's hands as she sizzled the grass near the Leprechaun's feet. No sooner had she done that, a cold blizzard created by Winter shook the Leprechaun thus freezing the scorching fire. To top it off with a bit of humour, Imagination Queen waved her wand, muttering 'pink'.

Basically, the Leprechaun suffered a walk on a souvenir microwave oven from the Sun, a Christmas present from the North Pole and a visual impairment where he he could see were all the fifty shades of pink (no, not the book by Umbridge). Poor Green Guy saw himself wearing a hot pink outfit. Even his lucky clovers had turned a distasteful shade (for him) of pink - pastel pink.

'Erm, any second now!' warned Trilby, who stood at the base of the Rainbow Tree. She clutched her Trilby in her hand, and - like a frisbee - thrust it at the Green Guy's hot pink top hat. The new and upgraded mechanism of the trilby caused cool, sharp ninja blades to protrude from the brim. Spinning in a frenzy, the blades tore open the hat to reveal a wad of Muggle cash sitting on top of the Leprechaun's curly head. The trilby recoiled back and was caught without breaking a sweat.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

"Get yer hands off me gold, ye little pirate scum!" yelled the Leprechaun on top of his lungs. "Ye foul, freebooting creatures!"

He fired a few, a lot more insults before lunging for Captain's throat. Winter stabbed his hand, drawing blood, with her arrow as she gave him the death glare.

"Calm down, mate! You've got...Oh, look! GOLD!" shouted Winter, pointing at a spot behind the Leprechaun. You'd think he wouldn't fall for it, but guess what? He was totally punked! His head searched eagerly for a glint of gold where Winter had pointed.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Imagination sent a red spark shooting skywards. She Apparated next to Trilby just as Crystal and Angie dropped to hand Captain and Winter a lift to the Enigmus. Dear Captain was making faces at the disarrayed Leprechaun who was oblivious to it all, but not for long.

"Ready?" Imagination asked, glancing at a repulsed Trilby.

"Never," she whispered, clutching her stomach pitiously. The last time she was part of a Side-Along Apparition, she had thrown up the entire content of her guts, so you couldn't really blame her when she wasn't excited for another joy ride.

Imagination interwined her fingers with Trilby's and -

The cheering crowd, carrying AP, Succubus, Ami and Destiel danced around them. AP passed around the pot of gold. The crew marvelled at the perfectly round coins imprinted with the face of a four-leaved clover.

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