Chapter 2

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When (Y/n) finally woke up, the first thing she felt was pain, pure pain raining down on her leg and head, even though her whole body felt sore, those were the places that hurt the most. She felt tears come to her eyes, the pain being so unbearable that she began to let out pained groans, getting louder with each passing second.

Suddenly the door flew open, taking her attention from her body to the sound, but didn't take the pain away. A woman walked fast to her side, she had a cup of water and some pills on her hand, which she helped the girl put on her mouth. She gulped down the water like it was the last time she was going to drink anything. The girl gasped when she finished, breathing fast as she felt the pain continue to shoot down her leg. She was holding the bed sheets tightly inside her little hands, her knuckles white and her face scrunched up from the headache.

"You'll be just fine, honey." the woman said, patting her arm softly and smiling.

"Whe-where am I?" the girl asked, looking around the room and noticing that it wasn't a fancy house, but it wasn't dirty either.

"My Bubba saved you when your car crashed." she explained, her smile faltering.

"Where are the others?" (Y/n) continued her questioning, trying to sit up on the bed, but stopping when she felt the massive pain from her leg "W-what happened to my l-leg?" she stuttered, afraid to ask and receive a not so pleasant answer.

"You broke your leg, but I patched you right up!" the woman smiled again "It'll take some time for it to heal, but you'll be walking in no time at all." she took a piece of hair from the girl's face.

"What happened to my friends?" she managed to say, her eyes filling with more tears, despair taking the reigns of her heart.

"Oh, dear. You were the only survivor." she told the girl, her smile turning into a slight frown, faking sadness as best as she could.

"Th-they... They're dead?" (Y/n) said, still not believing it, at one moment they were all joking together, and now they're gone.

"I'm sorry, honey." she said, placing her hand on the girl's thigh.

The girl couldn't place the feeling, she felt alone, distraught, maybe a little anxious. But she composed herself, cleaning her eyes from the tears, having the decency to ask the woman's name. She could mourn later, she needed to thank the people that saved her and think about what she would do now.

"I'm-I'm sorry, ma'am. I don't think I got your name." she politely said, almost able to say it with no stutter.

"I'm Luda Mae Sawyer, but you can call me Ma." she smiled sweetly.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you." the girl extended her hand and shook the woman's slightly "Who took me out of the car? I remember someone carrying me, I wanted to thank them for helping." she managed to sit up, making sure to not put pressure on her injured leg.

"Oh, it was my boy! Bubba." Luda said proudly, her smile getting bigger at the mention of her son "He's a little bit shy, but he'll come around sooner or later." she waved her hand around, dismissing the topic "Right now I gotta put some food in you. You need some meat in your bones, dear!" she laughed it off, getting up from her chair and walking to the door "I'll go get something for you, just you wait." then, she hurried out into the corridor, vanishing past the door frame.

And that was the moment that she felt truly alone, her eyes filled again with water, but this time she finally let it out. Even though her head was hurting, she couldn't help the shakes and sniffs that got out of her. She wanted her friends there, they were so happy, their trip was going so well, why them? Just the thought of never seeing them again made her cry a little louder, but she covered her mouth pretty quickly when she heard a sound coming from the hallway.

"He-hello?" she asked softly, her eyes still blurry from the tears "Luda Mae?"

Her breathing almost stopped when the biggest man she had ever seen passed walking fast by the corridor, her heart seemed to stop working, because she felt it beat harder than ever before when she heard the man run down the stairs, or at least that was what she thought she heard. The sudden scare made her head hurt more than it already was, a hard pounding with each second, subsiding slowly. After a few minutes of her adjusting herself on the bed and massaging her forehead, she saw Luda Mae enter the room with a tray of food.

"I'm sorry, honey. But we ain't no fancy diner. I brought you some bread and milk. We weren't expecting guests." she laughed, placing the tray on the girl's lap.

"It's alright." she responded softly, taking a gulp of the cold milk.

She thought about asking who was that that passed by the hallway, but decided against it.

"We brought one of the bags to the house." she pointed to the travel bag on the floor in the corner "Bubba thought it was yours since it was the prettiest one of the bunch." the woman commented.

"He guessed right, mine was the only one with sun-sunflowers on it." she couldn't help the little cry she let out, choking on her tears.

"Oh dear. Everything will be just fine, don't worry." the woman reassured her, her hands brushing her hair from her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, ma'am." she mumbled "I don't want to be a burden."

"You're not, dear! And I told you to call me Ma." the woman smiled at the end "My son is really happy that you're here."

"I hope that he'll warm up to me, I'd love to meet him." she smiled warmly, taking a bite of the bread, her cheeks still wet.

"You'll get to meet them all later."

They stayed in silence for a few moments, but the girl felt that she needed to thank the woman.

"Thank you, for everything. I don't know what would've happened to me if you people hadn't helped me." (Y/n) grabbed the woman's hand, squeezing it gently.

"There's no need to thank me, dear." Luda Mae said softly, holding the girl's hand back.

What they didn't know was that the giant man was right by the door, hearing everything they were saying and smiling behind his mask.

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