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So the bell rang, and I can see from the corner of my eye, a tall blonde panting guy beside the door frame. I stood up to get from my seat and as I suspected, it was Ash. People kept passing by through him to get out from the door but he was panting.

"What happened ?"

I asked. Curious.

"Just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be late. I ran through the corridors."

He told me between his deep pants. I smile then cracked out of laughter. He looked at me and softly chuckled too.

"You're going to get detention from that"

"Worth it."

He says shrugging and I smile. I lead the way to the cafeteria. On the way, we were both talking. Small topics. Subjects, school.

"We'll eat on my table. With my friends. I'm not sure I'm comfortable sitting with your jock friends."

I said, and he nods.

"Yeah of course. I wouldn't want you to sit on my table anyway because my friends can go to quite an extent and embarrass me to you."

He scratches at the back of his neck. Questions were swirling in my mind but I was curious about one thing in particular.

"How long have you liked me ?"

I suddenly ask.

"Ever since I saw you for the first time when you entered Mrs. Ver's class."


"You were there that day ?"

"Yeah. I didn't tell my friends the first couple of weeks liking you. I figured it'd go away."

I look at him with no remorse or anything. Instead, of out amusement and curiosity.

"Did it ?"

He looked back at me.


For a split second I see his eyes shift to my lips. Then up to my eyes again. I couldn't help but smirk and find everything here fulfiling to me. I love seeing him falling for me. He's not desperate yet, but he will soon.

I feed off of people in pain, and him falling in love with me is the greatest pain I can inflict on someone.

! Ash's POV !

He's scary. It feels like he's watching my every move. Or analyzing my behavior, attitude everything. It doesn't bother me. On the other hand I actually quite like it. He thinks I don't notice him doing that but little did he know I'm watching him too.

We entered the crowded cafeteria and he starts pushing people out of the way. Not exactly pushing but he had it his way. We made our way to the food station. Finally. We were quite late with all the talking so there weren't many people.

We both put our orders. One more thing I noticed a while back is he doesn't eat much. And I'm not sure whether to be concerned because some people might just eat in small portion because of small stomachs. I'll ask him later.

I paid for the orders obviously and I look to Tubbo being satisfied. I can get used to that. We make our way to his table which wasn't at all crowded. It only had two people sitting on it and it's obviously two of his best mates. Ranboo and Tommy.

Ranboo's been awfully close to him. Like really close.

That's why I decided to make my infatuation for Tubbo public. Better start making moves before the other person does right ? Both of us sit next to each other, me and Tubbo. The other 2 sat infront of us.

! Ranboo's POV !

I can see Ash being so smitten around Tubbo. But Tubbo wasn't even enthusiastic about him. At least he doesn't seem like it. Yes, I'm jealous. How can I not ? I feel like climbing on this table and punch his face off his chair.

"You don't eat a lot do you ? Why ?"

Ash asked him. The sound of his voice makes me want to rip his vocal cords from his throat. Stopped from eating, Tubbo looks at him.

"Seeing, feeling myself eat so much, it makes me sick."

He replied simply. His reply sounded bitter. I wasn't sure if it was towards himself or Ash, but I felt a little bit better. Not until Ash puts his hand on Tubbo's. Ooh that made me sick. The heat I feel from jealousy was impossible.

I've never known to feel this way. Or known jealousy. But it was a disgusting feeling. Knowing that I'm a coward. I can feel my fingers slowly twitch. I balled them up to my fist. I need to stay. I need Tubbo to know I support him.

Even though I hate seeing him with Ash.

! Tubbo's POV !

He touches me and it comforted me honestly. He cared. I liked that. But it doesn't feel the same. His touch doesn't make me feel warm. Doesn't make me feel like anything inside. Not like with Ranboo. I glance up at him and I can see how angry he is.

But his face softens as I met his eyes. I don't know what he was mad for. And why it simply vanished after he sees me looking at him. Ash's hand pulled away and his movement made me look at him.

He was continuing to talk and asked about me some stuff. Tommy joined in too. He was very interested about Ash. Ranboo stayed quiet and nodded a few times when Tommy tried to include him in the conversations.

His behavior was so out of the blue and sudden. The whole time, my eyes were on him and he shy's away from it. I have an idea on why he's acting like this but I don't dare think of it.




I'm currently updating 2 books on the same time. Call me a superhero.




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