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'Hey are you okay ?"

I asked Tubbo, he looks so vulnerable. I've never seen him this off-guard before

"Hm ? Oh gosh."

Tubbo sits up. His head drops to his hands. He sighs in them, then readjusts his head towards me. 

"I forgot I let you in"

Tubbo said, covering his upperbody with his blanket and looking at me. Defensive.

"Well actually... you forced me in"

"Oh god..."

Tubbo rolls his eyes and stood up to get to his counter to grab a glass of water. He poured himself a drink. I sat on his couch, looking at my back at Tubbo. He zoned out while drinking his water, looking disappointed. 

He was still standing up, his free hand shaking

"Um... my mom made you soup, you can heat it to eat... You were hot when I touched you"

Tubbo quickly snaps out of it.

"W-What ? You touched me ?"

He looked at me across the counter, looking horrified.

"No, NO ! Oh god not in that way. I touched your forehead to check your tempature. Anyway... um, my mom made the soup a bit too much incase if your family wants some"

"My parents don't live with me. I live alone. My parents lives at that house infront of us. Infront of this house."

He said pointing at their house. Jeez, speaking of rich. I had questions, but figured it wouldn't be right to ask. It's not my place anyway.

"Okay well you need to eat"

"And you need to get out"

Tubbo said, while getting another sip of water. His eyes weren't on me. He zoned out yet again.

"Not until I see you eat."

Tubbo took a second to reply. He stood in the kitchen, looked very annoyed. He rolls his eyes


I went to the kitchen where he was standing and still looking at me. I grab the bowl of soup my mom packed for Tubbo. I opened  the covering. 

"Will you heat this up please ? It's cold."

Tubbo nodded and put it in the microwave. Both of us wait. Tubbo wasn't afraid to let me know he's looking at me. He was eyeing my every move it was almost scary. 

A loud beep. That saved me from the rest of his staring. He got the bowl out of the microwave and placed it on the table. I took a seat as Tubbo sits on the stool next to mine.

I grabbed the  spoon my mom packed with and scooped some soup. It was still hot so I blow onto the spoon so it wouldn't be as cold. Then I fed it to Tubbo half way until he gave me a confused look and scooted backwards.

"What are you doing"

"Feeding you"

"...I can feed myself"

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