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Rolling over in bed, San let out a soft sigh as the sun shined on him. Groaning to himself, San tossed over as he heard a ding from his phone which indicated a notification.

Grabbing his phone, San immediately open instagram and spot a post by his idol, Wooyoung. Jung Wooyoung, 21 years of age, successful soloist. San smiled softly at the picture of Wooyoung on his phone. Sitting up, San rubbed eyes as he begun to read the post.

San was your typical broke college student, he had dreams and ambitions but he held many many part time jobs to get started towards them. He was very outgoing, trendy and had a thing for good music— which was how he found his now newfound attraction; Jung Wooyoung.

"Free tickets?" The brunette mumbled as he rubbed his eyes just in case they were playing tricks with him.

'Hello my loves! I am holding a contest where one lucky fan gets to receive an exclusive ticket for my week long events! The ticket will be valid for each day I am performing here and you'll get to spend time with me before and after performances. All you have to do is comment your favorite song by yours truly with a small reason why and whoever chosen will receive a message a day before my tour! Good luck to you all.'

"There's no way.." San mumbled as now he was wide awake and sat nicely on his bed. "Should I comment? There's a slim chance I'll get chosen yet there's a slim chance I'll get chosen." He spoke to himself, rubbing his chin as he thought harshly about what to do next.


"And that's how I entered myself into the contest." San finished off as he walked out of his last lecture with his friend Yunho right beside him. He had been gushing over the fact that he might get the free ticket to see Wooyoung, practically forcing the latter to listen to his rants about it.

"I hope you get the ticket." Yunho replied, half listening and half supporting. "You're not a real friend." San scoffed at the male, clearly noticing his lack of interest in the topic but nonetheless San decided to switch topics— not wanting to be the only one talking.


"I'll see you tomorrow man!" San waved off his friends as he skipped towards the convenience store where he was spending the rest of the day; it was his off day for his other jobs so he decided to pick up an extra shift.

San had been working restlessly for the past days as he wanted his grades to improve; he couldn't get a decent job as a psychologist if his grades were shit. The male skipped out on parties, gatherings, picking up more shifts and even getting less sleep just to improve himself so it was safe to say the latter forget all about his entering for the contest.

With his textbooks out and working on his psychology homework, Sans' attention was brought onto his phone as he received a notification from his favorite idol— a day before just as promised. No fucking way. There's absolutely no way he messaged me?

@woo.jung : Hello there San!
Just messaging you to let you
know that you have won the
ticket for the contest! :D

@nas : No way, no way
there's no way I won rn.

@woo.jung : Oh but you did!
Please come by the XX stadium
around 10 am before the concert
began to retrieve your ticket
and time with me!

@nas : Of course! I wouldn't
miss this for the world. I'll
see you tomorrow!

@woo.jung : :) See you

Placing his phone down, San began to do a silly dance while chanting. He was so overjoyed that he forgot that he was on the clock— at least that was until he heard someone clear their throat with an annoyed expression.

Smiling sheepishly, San quickly apologized and began to attend to their needs, the feeling of excitement not leaving him— not even giving him the chance to have a wink of sleep the following night.

. . . . end of chap 1

a/n : hihihihi <3 i use to do yandere stories but now i want to go back to the dark topics so i hope you like!

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