Not Ready, Plans and Arguments

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Out in the courtyard stood five horses all with knights on them, Soren was in front expecting the box his father gave him as he heard someone exclaim. Soren turned around and watched as Callum stumbled in his armor all over the place.

"Wait, I'm coming with you." 

Callum finally found his balance and Soren looked the boy up and down in disbelief and slight amusement as he said sarcastically.

"You look terrific. But just so you know, that's ceremonial armor. It's three times as heavy and half as strong. Oh but so shiny!"

He gave the prince a sarcastic thumbs up as Callum gave the boy a dead panned look, before moving to horse and raising his arm with a shield onto a saddle, struggling to get on the horse as he said.

"I don't care. I know what's going on and I'm coming with you."

"You're just a kid, Callum." Soren said with a sigh

Callum finally climbed onto the horse, only to land on his stomach as he told the older boy.

"I'll be 15 in two months."

"Ooh fourteen and three quarters! Wow!" Soren said as he reached into his saddle bag and pulled out an apple looking down at it.

Callum rolled his eyes as he fixed himself so he was sitting down on the saddle instead as he looked at the older boy as he told the boy seriously.

"Five-sixths. Soren, he's our king and he's my father. It's my duty to help him."

"Well, technically he is your step-dad." Soren said, ignoring the flash of pride an agreement he had within him as he took a bite of his apple. "But I'm sure it's similar. Think fast."

Soren threw the apple at Callum, Callum reacted and held his shield up making the apple bounce off the shield. Callum could feel himself falling sideways off the horse as he starts grunting to stay on, but he falls into some mud instead. Soren sighed in disappointment, really hoping for Callum to actually catch it and not deflect it. All his hopes deflated as he told the boy with a sigh.

"You were supposed to catch it."

Soren turned to face the front once more and gestured for the troop to move forward, he felt a little bad about leaving the boy behind. But what could he do, Callum wasn't ready and he wasn't about to lose a few of his soldiers just because one wasn't ready. Callum glared angrily as he watched Soren and everyone else ride off, he threw his shield at the ground angrily only for it to hit mud and splash the mud all over his face. He wipes the mud from his face as he watches them ride out once again.

~In The Forest~

"Four full moons past, on the eve of Winter's Turn, the humans crossed Xadia and murdered the King of the Dragons." Runaan told his troop as they all stood around in a circle as he went on. "Then they destroyed his only egg, the Dragon Prince." He then wrapped a cloth around his bicep as he said. "Tonight we bind our lives to justice."

One assassin stepped forward putting his arms out as he exclaimed.

"My breath for freedom!"

Another assassin stepped forward covering both of her eyes before moving both her arms out as she said.

"My eyes for truth!"

The third assassin hit his chest before putting both of his arms out as well as he exclaimed.

"My strength for honor!"

The fourth assassin tapped his arm before thrusting his hands out as well as he said.

"My blood for justice."

Rayla looked around at her team, before laying a hand on her heart before thrusting her arms forward as she said.

"My heart for Xadia."

Runaan nodded his head at her before he went to his left and tied the cloth around the first one's wrist as he said.

"Life is precious. Life is valuable." He went to the next one doing the same as he went on. "We take it, but we do not take it lightly."

Runaan went up to Rayla and nodded for her to continue, she narrowed her eyes at the binding cloth and said.

"Moon reflects the sun, as death reflects life."

Runaan pulls out both of his blades and cuts the binding cloth from all of them, it glows a brilliant blue and they all stare down at it in awe and determination.

"When it is done, I will send a shadowhawk with a blood ribbon message to the Queen of the Dragons." Runaan told the troop, as he held a red arrow and put it in his arrow holder. "We strike when the moon is highest."

The elves began walking away, Runaan watching them. Rayla walked up to Runaan with a nervous look on her face as she called out his name.

"Uh, Runaan?"

"What is it, Rayla?" Runaan questioned the girl.

"I was wondering, what I'd they know we're coming?" Rayla asked the older elf.

"We have the advantage of surprise. If we act fast, we will accomplish our goals without sacrifice." Runaan told Rayla as he turned and began walking towards the other elf's leaving Rayla alone with conflicting thoughts.

~In The Prince's Room~

Ezra looked back and forth before grinning and taking a bite of the pastry, he looked around the room moving around and looking under things. That's when some clothes started glowing green, Ezran smiled widely as the green faded and he quickly ran up to the pile of clothes eating the rest of his pastry. He pulled the clothes apart and there was Bait, glowing slightly. Ezran chuckled as he picked up the glow frog as he told his friend.

"Oh, Bait, you're terrible at hide and seek."

Ezran pulled out a pastry for his friend and Bait's tongue quickly went out, grabbed it and went back in his mouth. Callum opened the door and found the room trashed, he narrowed his eyes at his little brother as he questioned him.

"Es! What are you doing?"

Ezran turned around and walked up to his big brother, a smile on his face as he said holding out the pastry.

"Hi Callum. Do you want a…."

"No, I don't want a stupid jelly tart!" Callum yelled at the boy, before turning to walk towards his bed where a backpack was. "Why aren't you packed? You know we have to get going soon."

"But you're not packed." Ezran pointed out before he added on. "Elizabeth helped me pack already, I'm just waiting for her to come back."

"What do you think I'm doing?" Callum said with a roll of his eyes, stuffing some things into the back pack. Only to feel something squishy and jelly like, he pulled out the shirt he balled up and saw jelly tarts all over his shirt. "Ezran! You don't get it, do you?" He turned and angrily stormed up to his brother as he continued on. "Why do you think they're sending us away? Because they're coming to kill him!"

Elizabeth walked in just when Callum said that and she gasped, covering a hand over her mouth as she watched Ezran glare at Callum. He set down Bait before turning around and running into his room.

"Ezran!" Elizabeth called out to the younger boy quickly chasing after him into his room.

Ezran slammed the door once Elizabeth was inside, and Bait quickly jumped towards his door and went through it. Looking at Callum and turning red as he grumbled at the older boy, before swinging his tail and closing his door as well. Callum sighed and threw his hands up in the air, knowing he shouldn't have said that to his little brother before sitting on the ground. He crossed his arms over his legs and pulled his legs closer to his chest as he stared sadly at the door, and now Elizabeth heard him yelling at his little brother what she must think of him now.

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