Chapter 7 : Infiltration

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The four big brothers of Kaina introduce themselves:

- Oh, we didn't show up, my name is Kelyan

- I'm Milian

- I'm Lilian

- And I'm Aylian

- Nice to meet you, Kelyan, Millian, Lillian and Aylian said Joey

Joey carries his daughter in his arms.

Kelyan takes the floor:

- I hear Munson kidnapped Sheyenn?

- That's it

Lenno worries about his 6 year old son, Isaiah puts his hand on his brother's shoulder:

- We're going to save your son

- We can't let them do it.

- He took Isaiah's flute

- This flute which allows to calm the trees and hypnotize the people who hear the melody coming from this flute.

- Now that he's taken the flute, the people of this town are going to be under the control of our idiot father

- Are you aware of this story? asked Livia

- Oh yes answers Lilian

- Dad has always hated trees, we have always loved trees, trees symbolize peace, but dad didn't want to hear anything, he wanted to get rid of these trees, Kaina hated him for that

- Kaina, your little sister

- Yes, she was unfortunately killed by that fool Munson, he has always been in love with her, but we knew that the only person Kaina wanted to be with is Isaiah

Suddenly the four boys see Callian's guards, they lead the kamis to a hiding place:

- We must not stay there said Kelyan

- It's dangerous

Callian's guards are gone, that's a relief for our heroes.

- Erya is now a dangerous place

- I see it

- But we will help you enter the castle

- Thank you, you four

- But we do not hide from you that it will be risky

- Why this ? Vanessa asks

- Dad has hired a lot of guards who watch everywhere

- We will have to find a plan to enter the castle discreetly without being spotted

- I have the solution cried Aylan

- Which ?

Aylan looks at the kamis then his brothers:

- You will disguise yourself as guards

The kamis look at each other:

- It's the only way

Suddenly, a voice is heard:

- Mrs. Katz

- Sue!

Sue, a lady who works at Joey's parents' palace appears:

- Mrs Joanna, taking your daughter to this dangerous castle is dangerous, I will keep her

Joey hesitates, she loves her daughter very much but taking her daughter to the castle of a dangerous enemy like Callian will be risky.

Joey puts his daughter in Sue's arms, suddenly Dana starts to cry, she misses her mother already, Joey carries her daughter in her arms:

- Mom and dad will be fine, my princess, I promise you

She kisses him on the forehead, Dana smiles.

Oggy carries his daughter in his arms and then kisses her on the forehead as well:

- My little princess, Mom and Dad will be fine

Joey summons "Lullaby of the Naiads" on his daughter to help her sleep, Sue cradles Dana:

- I would be waiting for you

- Alright, Sue

- Good luck

- Thank you

Aylan takes uniforms from the guards he took:

- It's okay, we can put them on

- Let's go

The kamis put on the guards' uniforms, accompanied by Kaina's brothers, they enter Callian's castle without being spotted by the real guards.

- The way is clear

- I'm coming, Sheyenn

Sheyenn is a prisoner in Kaina's room, Lenno goes to Callian's late daughter's room and sees her son, Sheyenn runs to his father:

- Dad ! Dad !

- I'm here, my darling, we came to save you

- Dad

Lenno hugs his 6 year old son.

The kamis, on the other hand, manage to retrieve Isaiah's flute.

- We can go

But the problems arise quickly, the real guards recognize the kamis despite their disguises, they call Emperor Callian:

- Emperor, we have strangers

- Stop them

Kaina's brothers notice several guards, they warn the kamis and Lenno who are trying to get out of the castle but there are more and more guards

- We are badly said Elvis

- Let's go through this door

The gate is guarded

Munson manages to find the kamis:

- I found you

He calls Callian:

- I captured them

- Take them to the Argon room

- At your service

Munson takes his enemies to the Argon room.

Lenno and Sheyenn watch the scene in horror!

- We will save them

Callian can't wait to see his prisoners, he can't wait

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