Chapter 2 : Isaiah

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Jack and Livia go home slowly without waking the twins.

- I was right, there was a voice in this forest

Livia looks in a book:

- This person who sang is Isaiah Nahele

- The youngest son of the chief of the Abequa tribe?

- Yes I do

- Maybe he's the one who doesn't want us to go into the forest

- possible

- I think he spotted us

- I noticed

- We should tell the other kamis and Master Olly about this mysterious boy

- Hm, you're right, but tomorrow I'm tired

- It's fine with me too

The next day, Livia wakes up, she gets dressed then decides to go out in her garden, she still sees the forest.

Rosa comes to visit him:

- Hi, Livia

- Hi, Rosa, what's up

- It's okay, I'm still working at the hospital and your family, is it okay?

- She's very well

The two women chat for a few minutes until Livia decides to discuss the subject of the mysterious forest with her friend:

- By the way, did you hear a melodious voice coming from this forest?

- It's true !? I also heard that voice

- Last night, Jack and I, we went to see who was the author of this sweet and melodious voice, it is Isaiah Nahele

- Isaiah Nahele, the sage of the forest and youngest son of the chief of the Abequa tribe?

- Yes, it's that boy

Rosa was speechless.

- I have to go back said Livia, determined

- I can come with you if you want to suggest Rosa.

Livia smiles:

- No thank you, I can go alone

Jack and the twins wake up, Rex asked:

- Daddy, I heard a voice singing

- Maybe it comes from the forest over there, said Millie

It shows the forest of Naheles

Jack forbids the twins to approach the forest, saying it's too dangerous, the twins nod.

The other kamis come to Livia about the forest, the children play at the cabin that Jack and Elvis have built.

Livia tells the other kamis what she and Jack saw last night:

- I saw a young man singing in the forest, it's Isaiah Nahele

- Isaiah Nahele, the sage of the forest?

- Yes I do

- Maybe it's a spirit said Suzy

- What do you know? Greg asks

Livia takes the floor:

- I will go back tonight and alone

- What if the animals of the forest and Isaiah himself have set a trap so that we do not return to his forest?

- It's possible

- I would take the risk said Livia, determined

Joey puts his hand on Livia's shoulder:

- Be careful if you leave on your own, Livia

Dana shows a sad face like her mother, Joey strokes her cheek:

- Dana, don't be sad, mom is fine

Dana laughs

Joey smiles at his daughter, she cradles her in her arms, then gives Dana the Rika plush.

Dana laughs then closes her eyes while hugging the plush toy against her, Joey stroking her brown hair.

Nalia appears:

- Oh, hi, Nalia, you took a nap

Nalia stretched and snuggled up against Joey, Joey stroked her little axolotl tenderly, Nalia gave a cheerful cry.

- Heard of Terra's news? asked Vanessa

- She ordered her wedding dress said Laura discreetly

She shows the photo of Terra's wedding dress:

- She is so beautiful

- Yeah

The kamis return home, only Oggy and Joey remain a little longer.

It's decided for Livia, she's going to venture into the Forbidden Forest again, when she wants something she gets it, that's Livia Katz's motto.

Night arrives, Livia takes the opportunity to venture again into Isaiah's Forest but does not know that the Forest Sage has prepared a trap for the visitors.

She falls into it and utters a cry, Isaiah and the animals of the forest appear in front of Livia:

- So, are we venturing into this forest without my permission?

Livia looks at the young man:

- Isaiah Nahele?

- The one and only said Isaiah, annoyed

- I beg you, let me go

Isaiah shakes his head:

- No way.

The kamis alerted by the noise and decide to go and rescue Livia.

The children come, Rex and Millie are afraid for their mother but luckily Jack reassures his children:

- It's going to be fine, we're going to save mom

Isaiah wants to punish Livia, luckily Jack arrives on time and interrupts the punishment:

- Leave my wife alone!

- Your wife here went to my forest without my permission and that of my father

- Please release my wife, we won't bother you anymore, we promise

- You have a great voice said Joey carrying his sleeping daughter in his arms.

Livia looks in Isaiah's pocket and sees a small book, she takes it discreetly, Isaiah has not noticed.

Isaiah lets Livia go:

- I'll let you go

The kamis leave the forest of Isaiah, quickly, the sage of the forest takes an interest in them:

- I should talk to my father he said

Isaiah then disappears.

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