Chapter 3 : Meeting with Abequas Tribal

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The kamis go home, Joey puts her daughter in her crib:

- Sleep well, my little princess

Dana laughs then holds her mother's finger, Nalia sleeps next to the little girl.

Joey smiles then kisses his daughter on the forehead.

Oggy goes to the girl's room, he puts his arms around his loving wife:

- How's my pretty water kami?

He kisses Joey on the cheek and then on the lips, Joey kisses her sweet husband on the lips, Joey wraps her arms around Oggy's neck and then kisses him on the lips again:

- I love you, Oggy, my beautiful entomiel

Oggy strokes his beautiful, tender wife's dark hair and kisses her on the lips:

- I love you too, my beautiful axolotl

Joey snuggled up against Oggy.

Dana looks at her parents then smiles and laughs, Joey walks to her crib with Oggy:

- Look how happy she is said Joey looking at her daughter who closes her eyes

- She's so pretty said Oggy tenderly

Oggy strokes Dana's brown hair:

- Sleep well my little princess he said

Oggy and Joey leave Dana's room then go to their room, Oggy walks to the bathroom while Joey puts on her pajamas, a blue nightgown, Oggy comes out of the bathroom, then puts his pajamas on his tower.

He joins Joey who is lying on the bed, she is looking at the photo album:

- Our little princess Dana is so pretty

Photo shows 2-day-old Dana in her father's arms

Another photo shows Joey wearing newly born Dana, another photo shows Joey pregnant with Dana, Oggy next to her, Joey was smiling tenderly in this photo and tenderly stroking her belly, she was also holding pink pajamas that she had on knitted for Dana.

A photo shows 16-year-old Joey and 17-year-old Oggy holding hands.

Marius took the picture, he was delighted his younger sister liked a good man like Oggy and was more than happy to hear that Oggy had asked Joey to be his official girlfriend.

- They are pretty, these photos said Oggy, happy

- Yes, very pretty, said Joey

She puts the photo album back in its place

- What an adventure tonight

- We saved Livia

- We were still hot

Oggy lay down, Joey snuggles into him, Oggy strokes his hair.

- How would you like to take a walk to the lake tomorrow?

Joey looks at Oggy then kisses him on the cheek:

- Yes, I would like to go to the lake tomorrow with you

Oggy smiles and then falls asleep, Joey also falls asleep.

Somewhere in the forest, the chief of the Abeqas tribe places flowers on a gravestone already in bloom, the eldest son also places flowers and then, the members of the tribe place flowers, then all line up, the eldest son, Lenno and his wife Sayen, stand next to the chief of the tribe who stands in front of the tombstone, he takes a deep breath then begins to speak:

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