Chapter Thirteen.

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Rory was speaking to Gray over the phone. Suddenly, he stopped and hung up when he saw Matilda crying. He looked over at Karen and Luke absorbed in their kisses.
That must have been the reason why she has gone to Karen's. His wife is a very caring lady, he wondered why he always misunderstood her.

The sob that racked her body frightened Rory. He hurried to her and pulled her to him. He wrapped his arm around her, he tightened his embrace, trying to comfort her.

" It's okay, Tilda. I got you". He whispered quietly. She let out a high-pitched wail.

" Shshsh...I got you, dear". He let his lips graze the top of her head lightly.

He ran his hand over her trembling back, up and down, slowly trying to soothe her.

The moment she stilled he ushered her outside leaving Karen and Luke behind.

Through out the drive to the beach house, Rory kept stealing glances at his wife. She looked pale, he has never seen anyone so pale.

His car pulled out in front of the Beach House.

He alighted and walked to the other side of the car to open the door for Matilda.
She nodded and hopped out, her tear- swollen eyes unfocused and weary.

She slipped.
Her legs buckled.
Rory clutched her firmly against him to keep her from falling.

She was burning up. Too bad

She held her head and collapsed on his chest.

" Matilda! Matilda!!". He shook her.


A Strange noise woke her. Eyes flinching wide, she looked at the bed. And, realized what she was hearing. A ringing phone.

She groaned. Her mouth was sour and her head hurt like crazy.

She turned to see Rory come up with an elbow. He sighed in relief.

" Finally, you're awake". 

She attempted to get up but he pushed her back down. " You need to rest".

He took away the cold towel he placed on her forehead as he touched her head to feel her temperature. She was better than before.

He had been really scared to death when she had passed out earlier.

He settled his chest to her side, curved her body around his, slid his arms around her. Gradually, she closed her eyes as her lids grew heavy.

Much later, he woke up. He prepared dinner and bought her Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen tablets.  He walked gingerly into the bedroom. Matilda was still fast asleep but her eyelids were flinching, her pale lips parted, her breasts rose and fell as her brow furrowed in a frown.

What a temptress

He could stand right here watching her all day and never get tired. He forced his eyes from her and went to run a bathing water in the bathtub. He was worried about waking her but when he got back into the bedroom, she was awake.

Struggling to sit up, she grimaced as her effort was futile. He hurried to her to support her.
Earlier, he had pulled off her sweat shirt so that she was left in singlet and her Jean.

" How are you feeling?". He asked in concern.

She closed her eyes. She felt hot all over and the pain in her head was unbearable.

" You're okay?...I've prepared cool water in the bathtub'

She opened her eyes " I'm fine". Her voice trailed off" I'll have my bath now".

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