The incidents. Prolouge

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"The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description."
Steve Maraboli
An!!! This chapter includes Sexual assault and child abuse.!!!

Fall of 1990
The moon shone so bright that it illuminated the night making it seem so peaceful, but the peace was drowned out by the sound of sirens and flashing red and blue lights. Ben Grimm stood next to a police officer, his eyes trained on his brother-in laws house. The call he had gotten just twenty minutes prior made his heart race as he drove towards the house, the scene scared him and the only question he could ask was, "Where's my niece? Where's Josette?"

After what felt like hours a police man came out of the house with a seven year old on his arms, her hair was matted and her eyes were puffy from all the crying she had done. "Josie!" Ben called out as he ran to meet the officer, Josette picked up her head as she reached for her uncle. Tears poured from her eyes as she finally realized she was safe, that she wasn't with him.

Thing happened in that house that night that no child should have to go through and after months and years of Ben trying to figure it out the secrets of what happened stayed between her and her father, David Green. Years went by and the memories hid themselves away, almost like her brain wasn't allowing her to remember that awful night.

Fall of 2002.
Years passed and her life was great, well as great as it could, her best friend just left her without any explanation, no calls were made and whenever she tried they were either declined or rang non stop.

But the one thing that the nineteen year old Josette Grimm has going for her was an amazing job and an equally amazing boyfriend, who were currently at a bar. The back ally bar didn't care if kids were underage, as long as they got money they would serve to whoever, and Jace thought it was a great idea to go. "Come on Josie! It's just to help you relax."

Jace knew she was stressed, with the anniversary of an incident that she couldn't remember coming up, and with Johnny just ghosting her, she really did need a drink.

Hours had passed when Josette started to feel that something was off, it could have been the amount of alcohol that she was consuming or just the vibe she was getting from the place. Her head began to spin; so many thoughts were racing through her head as she tried to stay put, but Jace was guiding her to the door. "It's okay baby. I got you." Those words were supposed to be comforting, to let her know that she was safe. But she felt anything but safe.

Josette wasn't sure what had happened but the blinding light that hung from the ceiling made her want to cover up. "Josie, honey how are you feeling?" The familiar voice of her friend Ian Richards asks, the boy was the nephew of Reed Richards, her uncles best friend. "I'm not sure. What happened?" The look on Ian's face made it clear that it was something bad, she remembered getting the same look from an officer many years ago. "Josie I." He was cut off by Ben Grimm and Reed Richards who both came busting through the hospital door, out of breath and panic on their faces. "Josie you're okay." Bens face relaxed as he saw that his niece was alive and safe.

She didn't understand why her family and friends were so worried, maybe she had gotten to drunk and passed out and Jace called an ambulance. But her thought was interrupted by a nurse who came in holding a kit, the words reading "Sexual Assault Collection Kit."

The words brought back faded memories of the night prior, to how she begged Jace to stop, to the feeling of wanting to be home, the feeling of needing her best friend who wasn't going to show.

Trauma causes our bodies to react a certain way, for Josette Grimm the trauma was locked away, the memories haunted her in dreams and she could only pray that they would stay locked away. But the lock was about to break, all thanks to a storm that brings chaos.

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