Chap 1, Von Doom Building

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"I wonder if fears ever really go away, or if they just lose their power over us."
Veronica Roth

"She's somebody's daughter
She's somebody's everything
She's somebody's little girl
Even if she's grown up and moved away
She's somebody's whole world
She's somebody's baby"

"She's somebody's daughterShe's somebody's everythingShe's somebody's little girlEven if she's grown up and moved awayShe's somebody's whole worldShe's somebody's baby" 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️

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It was a beautiful day, the perfect day to enjoy a cup of tea while reading, and that's what Josette wanted to do, but here she was Standing outside the Von Doom building with her uncle and his friend.

Looking  up at the statue she had a lot of questions, one being why did the man need a statue so big? "High open space, exposed structural elements. Obviously aimed at first
    time visitors to create feelings of
    smallness, inadequacy." Reed spoke out as her uncle looked at him, obviously the man was impressed with the statue and Josette tried to stifle a small giggle. "Now you know how I feel standing next to you both." Josette said as Ben shook his head before speaking. "Good thing it ain't workin Reed, what are we doing here? This guy's fast-food, strip-mall science."

"This wasn't our first stop, in case
    you forgot NASA. And Victor's not
    that bad. He's just a little, larger than life." Josette shook her head as she moved closer to the adults, standing at five foot four the two males reaching about six foot. "His ego is about the size of the statue Reed. I feel bad for the girl whose with him."

As they move past the state into the building Reed spoke up again. "He's financed some of the biggest breakthroughs of this century." Josette knew that, she remembered how they all went to school together and that's how her uncle and Reed knew the man, she met him when she was younger but over time her dislike for the man grew. "You'd never know it." Ben said as he looked towards Josette who looked like she would rather be anywhere else besides the building.

As they look around Reed motions to a high-tech ORB, showing FOOTAGE of VDI's
accomplishments: a safe and clean nuclear facility, the first private Space Station. All images have Victor front and center, glad-handling George Bush, Tony Blair, shady International Leaders. The last image is Victor holding the . "Jesus. That too?" Ben asks as Josette rolls her eyes at the footage. "Again I say, his ego is huge and I pity the woman who marries him." Ben let a smile appear in his face at his nieces joke as they make their way to the receptionist who looked like she had a stick up her ass. But Josette kept that information to herself.

"Reed Richards, Ben Grimm and Josette Grimm to see." Reed was caught off by the Receptionist who handed them passes. "Executive elevator, top floor." As they begin to walk away Ben turned to Josette, "Whats the price of a smile around here?" She nodded as she mouthed a single word to him. "Bitch." Ben contained his laughter as the three of them got into the elevator.

The trio ride the elevator to the top Reed holding a small black box as the exit. Josette took in the office, it was huge and gave off goth vibes from how dark it was. As she and Ben stood back they watched Reed pull up a hologram of Stars.
Planets. They hover in the air, making the room feel like a majestic portal into outer space.

She was more impressed with Reeds hologram then she was with Victors whole building, she has a strong dislike for the man, and it all started with his ego.

"My research suggests that exposure to a high energy cosmic storm born on solar winds might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life." Reed stands among the holograms, speaking to Victor who was a shadow behind a desk. An ominous, pulsating red cloud covers the stars. It washes over the hologram of earth. "Does he think it's cool to be a shadow? It just makes him look like a creep." Josette whispers to Ben who nudges her lightly. They continue to watch Reed make his statement, Josette praying that Victor agrees to it.

"In six weeks another cloud with the same elemental profile will pass Earth's orbit. A study in space could advance our knowledge about the structure of the human genome, and help cure countless diseases, extend human life. Give kids the chance to be stronger, healthier, less prone to." Reed was speeding up his speech as Victor cleared his throat, clearly unamused with the scientist. Josette grew irritated at the man, she and Reed spent so much time on the project and so much time coming up with a pitch, this man was being ridiculous.

"Turn it off please." Victor spoke out as Josette stepped forward to say something, only for Ben to pull her back, keeping his hand on back to reassure her. "But I haven't fully explained my." Reed was rudely cut off as he tried to talk. "Yes you have... Imagination. Creativity.  Passion. Those were always your trademarks." The lights turn on blinding Josette causing her to blink her eyes rabidly to adjust to the new setting, she would give it to him, he was weird.

As he stood up to make his way towards Reed he dropped a magazine, the words Richards bankrupt, grant cutbacks. Despite Reed going bankrupt the two Grimms stayed by his side, if he was going down they would go with him. "But dreams don't pay the bills, do they?" Victor asks like it's the most obvious question in the world, a smile appeared on Victors face the kind of smile that silently told him that Victor was better than him. "The guy has a very punchable face." Ben whispers causing Josette to nod in agreement her dislike for the man growing by the second.

"Same old Reed, the hopeless optimist. Still reaching for the stars, with the world on your back." If Victor wasn't a rich guy who had what they needed to accomplish their mission Josette would have said a very unkind words, but keep her composure she listened to the two talk. "You remember in school we talked about working together.  That's what I was about to explain." Reed was pulling out all the stops he really needed to get Victor to agree with him on the project and that was becoming harder by the second.

Reed presses a button on the remote a hologram of a space station pops up Von Doom Industry logo front and center. The man really did think he was large than life. "So it's not my money you want.  It's my toys. Tell me: if NASA doesn't
trust you, why should I?" The words caught both Grimms off guard, how did he know about NASA? He was a step ahead of them the whole time and it was getting worse by the second.

Victor moves closer to Reed, Ben getting even more suspicious of the man, "That's my job.  To stay a step ahead.  To know what other men don't." The words coming from him made it seem like he was the smartest person in the room, but Josette knew that was a lie. Ben and Josette move closer to Reed, Ben turning to the door as Josette stands next to Reed. "I can't take this."
Reed stops him causing Josette to stare at the man who they came to see, to her he wasn't necessarily good looking, just average. But she guess his fame and money helped a lot in the dating category. She could here Reed talking to her uncle, him whispering. "Ben. This is business. Just work." She shook her head at that the man was being an absolute ass and she was starting to lose her patients.

Turning back towards Victor she noticed the sly smile on his face, she could agree with her uncle, he did have a very punchable face.

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