Chap 2, a lovley surprise.

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"She's kind of a walking poem, she's this perfect beauty...but at the same time very deep, very smart."
Johnny Depp

"Johnny Depp

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Fate, it's something most people believe in while most people question it. And right now Josette was really questioning it as a beautiful women with blonde hair entered the room. A women she hadn't seen in years. "He's right, Ben. It's just business." Her smile grew wide as she saw the beauty that is Susan Storm, a friend of hers an the ex girlfriend of a certain scientist. "I think you both know my Director of Genetic Research, Susan Storm." Her eyes widen at the words, she couldn't imagine working with it for Victor, she kinda felt bad for Susan.

"Heya Susie. One more thing he's got." Ben said quietly to Reed as Josette hugged the women, it had been to long since she had last seen her. The last time was the day before her and Reed broke up, she remembered getting a call at two in the morning from a crying Susan. "Oh it's been so long Jo. I've missed you." Susan said as she hugged the smaller girl, Josette immediately hugged her back happy to see her after so long. "I've missed you as well Susie." Ben nods as he walks towards them smiling at the blonde before hugging her. "Ben, it's been too long."

After hugging the eldest Grimm Susan moved towards Reed, instead of a hug like she gave them she gives Reed a polite handshake. After all these years Reed was still tongue tied when it came to her. "You're, you've, I mean, how have you bee--." Josette couldn't help the eye roll, she knew that Reed still loved Susan and it was painful to watch the ex's speak. After a few years she at least thought he'd say something different. "Never better." The lack of emotion in her words made Josette move closer to her uncle, ready for the awkward exchange to be over.

She watched carefully as Victor put a hand on Susan's shoulder, sizing Reed up with a stupid smirk on his face. Like he had him right where he wanted him, and Josette hated to admit it but he did. "This isn't going to be a problem, it is?" The question almost seemed condescending. "Not at all." "Ancient history." Reed and Sue spoke in unison, almost like they were trying to convince themselves, but the uncle and niece knew better.

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