Chapter 10

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A/N: The man in the photo above is who I imagine Quinton looks like but you can imagine anyone you want to imagine but keep in mind that Quinton is from Thailand. Quinton is just his English name. Enjoy💕💫

Mari POV

Breathe Mari, breathe...

I push the glass doors and make my way into the building. The room comes to a sudden halt when they see me walking in alone. And yet I continue to inch closer to the receptionist's desk. "Hi, is there anyone in this building that goes by the name Quinton?" I ask. She gives me a questioning look that morphs into one of realization. "Uhm Mrs. King hi, yes. He's one of the managers here." She responds. "Can to him?" I ask and she only nods while picking up the phone.

My foot begins to tap rhythmically, my breathing quickens, and I get lost in my thoughts. A sharp, biting pain coming from my hands wakes me up from my trance and I release my hands from their tight hold. "Madam, I think you need this..." The receptionist speaks as she hands me a tissue. Only then do I notice the blood slowly dripping from my hands coming from where the nails had dug a little too deeply. I take in a shakey breathe and thank her.

"I hear you need to talk to me," a manly voice speaks. My head whips to face him. "Yes, I need answers," I say surprisingly without a stutter in my voice. "We need to go somewhere else more...private," he says and I nod slowly.


His hand reaches for the steaming hot cup in front of him. He brings it just below his nose and inhales the delicious smell of coffee. He sighs in contentment before taking a sip and then nonchalantly placing the cup back onto the table. Leaning back and folding his hands over his knee on his crossed legs, his lips stretch into a smile. Waiting for me to speak...

I pick at the hem of my dress, counting in my head as I breathe in and out slowly. I blink rapidly in a poor attempt to stop myself from bawling my eyes out. I reach for my cheek with the back of my hand and wipe away any stray tears. After repeatedly wiping tears and sniffling, the tears begin to slow down and my violent shaking subsides.

Finally finding the courage to look up at him, a single question leaves my mouth."How are you alive?" To my surprise, a sadistic smile forms on his face. He leans forward and places his elbows on his knees. "Why focus on the past, love? I'm right in front of you," he purses his lips and blows a kiss in my direction. I scrunch up my nose, "Just answer my question." He smiles "Alright, I'll tell you..."


Quinton POV

I pulled his car door open and plopped myself onto the passenger seat. I run my hand over my face and into my hair, pulling on it. I let out a heavy sigh before grabbing my phone. "Luke, I've got him..." I start. "Are you sure?" he says excitedly. "Of course I'm sure, Luke. Put the plan in motion."

I put my phone in my pocket when John finally enters the car. He silently roars the car to life and I almost fall back on my seat when he starts driving forward. "What do you need to talk to me about John?" I question. He raises an eyebrow and stares at me long enough to not crash his car into another one. "Funny you should ask me that X," he says. "I don't think we're close enough for you to call me that...Z," I say as I lower my body into a comfortable position, allowing my eyelids to flutter closed.

After a long and awkward silence, he finally speaks. "What are you doing with my sister, X?" I open my eyes and turn to look at him. "I can't fall in love honestly, Z?" I ask. He lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Love? You and love don't go together or did you forget that you're incapable of feeling emotion?" he says and I chuckle. "True that, Z. I finally found you after all these years, and after what you did still have the courage to sit in the same car as me. Stop the car-" "No, I need to-" "-Stop the damn car Z!" The tires screech at the sudden stop.

I step out of the car and as expected, he drives away. However, not for long. The loud horn of a truck fills my ear before a loud bang disturbs the peace. Then the silence returns save for the 'beep, beep' of the car that is now too damaged to be of any use. Luke jumps out of the truck, removes his neck and his mouthguard before pulling another man out of the same truck.

He drags the young boy over to me. "Great choice, Luke. His body is good enough." I say before harshly grabbing the boy's arm. He whimpers, "please d-don't kill me!" I only continue walking silently until I reached the busted door of John's car. I pull it open and place the boy on the torn-up seat. "Luke, hand me the machine gun," I say and when I feel it in my hands I shoot the boy's face until it's impossible to recognize who he even is. I let out a satisfied sigh. "We did it, Luke. We finally ended John's pathetic life and gave him what he deserved for killing Sera." Tears slide down my face as I lift my head up to the sky. "I did it Sera, now you can rest peacefully."


Mari POV

"Did you ever even love me? I mean, I guess the fact that you killed my only brother answers that question but...did you?" I ask with tears streaming down my face. His sadistic smile returns, "No, love is too strong a word. I enjoyed your company but my only purpose was to kill your brother for Sera." He leans back and sighs. "Who is Sera?" I ask in a whisper. "Sera was my sister and Luke's fiancée," he responds. "Why did my brother kill her?" I ask. "She chose Luke over John. We were all friends in college and we were part of a gang but Sera didn't know. They both fell in love with her." He responds.

"I'm so sorry my brother did that but you should've killed me instead if you wanted him to suffer-" "No, I wanted him to suffer but you didn't deserve to die for his sins," he cuts me off. "Mari!" I hear a loud voice calling my name. I turn and look at the now open door with Fransis standing in front of it. I jump from my seat. "Fransis-" "Mari, what are you doing? What is he doing here? Do you even know how worried I've been about you? How can you just disappear without telling me?" He fires his many questions at me. "Fransis, this is Quinton. I know he's alive and I was shocked too but I'll explain everything."

Fransis bolts over to me and wraps me in a warm and comforting hug. I wrap my arms around his waist as tight as I possibly could. After what felt like forever, someone clears their throat behind me. I release Fransis and turn to face him and wait for him to speak. "So...Mari, I'm sorry for all the pain I put you through. I hope you can forgive me." He says and I smile. "I will forgive you...eventually. Thank you for giving me a reason to move on and start loving and living my life with peace." I say and he releases his first genuine smile. He stands up, bows, and leaves.

I turn to look at Fransis who looks like he never even got a wink of sleep. His hair is sticking out in different directions. His tie is loose and his shirt is untucked, not to mention wrinkly. I smile at his messy look before throwing myself back in his arms. "Mari, do you know just how much I love you?" He whispers. "Mm-hm, a lot. And I love you too." He freezes at my statement before pulling himself away. "Really? Do you mean that?" He asks. I only nod with a beaming smile on my face. Fransis laughs heartily before pulling me close and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

I'll love you forever, Fransis.

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