Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. Feeling lonely, I whine but I shoot up when I hear someone laughing. I open my eyes to see Fransis standing in front of the bed laughing at me. "Good morning Mari," he says and I grumble in response. I put out my hands in a grabbing motion to Fransis and he responds by walking towards my side of the bed to hold my hands and pull me out of the bed like a little baby.

"Good morning Fransis," I say smiling. "Breakfast is ready, go take a shower and meet us downstairs," He says and I do exactly that. I decided to dress up just a little but not too much that it's not considered casual. (outfit up top).

I walk downstairs to the dining room and find Fransis and his parents eating their breakfast. I sit down, say good morning and start munching on all this deliciousness. As I  was about to take a bite of my tasty pancakes with maple syrup somebody just had to start talking to me😭. "So Mari are we expecting grandkids anytime soon?" Fransis' dad asks me and I almost dropped my fork in shock. "Darling, don't ask such questions...they just got married and you just got out of the hospital, you need to focus on your recovery." Fransis' mother says to her loving husband. "Don't worry dad, you will not die until you see four little grandkids running around the house." Fransis says to his dad while looking at me with a mischievous smile. All that's running through my mind is the fact that he just said four kids!!! How am I supposed to survive that!?? I almost stabbed him with my fork to give him a taste of what giving birth is like. We all continue eating our food in peace, finally. 

After breakfast, Fransis' dad leads us to the living room because he said he has something important to tell us. "Fransis, it's time for you to inherit the business, as you can see I am too old to handle all of it anymore. So I need you to visit all the branches to officially introduce yourself next week," He says in a calm and stern voice. "But dad-," "-No son, you've been ready for years now, all you needed was a wife so that the board can accept you." He says. His parents then stand up and leave us alone in the living room.

"Congratulations Mr. King," I say with a beaming smile and I clap my hands for him. "Thank you, Mrs. King, since that can't be helped I have to step up to the plate. But onto less stressful matters, we need a house." He says. "Alright then let's start looking," I say as I stand up and take his hand, pulling him to our room.
"No Fransis, that is too big! There's only two of us" I exclaim. "There won't be two of us for too long," he mumbles and I slap him playfully on his chest. "No, Fransis, this house is too big...let's keep looking." This bickering goes on and on as one says this is one is too big or too small or too...something.

After about 5 hours of searching, I decided that we need a break. "Fransis, let's take a break and get some food. I'm starving," I say to him and his stomach grumbles in response. "Hahaha...does the wittle tummy want some food?" I ask in a baby voice. "Don't laugh at my tummy Mari," Fransis says in a serious tone while playfully glaring at me. "Let's go feed the wittle tummy," I say as I continue taunting him with my baby voice. He stands up grumbly and walks out of the room. I run after him, grabbing onto his arm, I ask him " are we eating?" I ask as we walk out of the house and into the car. 

Fransis drove with my hand in his free one to a restaurant he didn't want to tell me the name of but he promised it would not disappoint. When we got there I allowed Fransis to choose what I will eat since he knows this place better than me. The rest of the afternoon is spent with Fransis and me laughing and learning more and more about each other. I can't describe this feeling. The more time I spend with him, the more I learn about him, the more I fall for him, the happier I become. Happiness, that's the feeling.


" favorite ice cream is vanilla, yours?" Fransis says and I gasp. "That's my favorite too!" I shout in excitement. "Really? It seems we have a lot in common baby," Fransis says before placing a kiss on my cheek, making me blush. I hit him playfully and run ahead of him and he follows soon after. 

We were currently walking in the huge garden of his parent's house playing a game called '21 Questions.' As soon as Fransis catches up to me, he grabs my hand and pulls me towards a bench. He sits us down and I lay my head on his shoulder as I watch the stars. Fransis starts humming a song that I recognize to be 'Grow As We Go' by Ben Platt. The message of the song is exactly our story. His humming lulls me to a peaceful sleep, on a garden bench with my head on his shoulder and the stars dancing above us. Just the two of us.

I don't think you have to leave
If to change is what you need
You can change right next to me
When you're high I'll take the lows
You can ebb and I can flow
And we'll take it slow
And grow as we go
Grow as we go

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