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Nicolette sat on an armchair, her hair tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing high heels and a business suit.

"And that is how I became part of the family," Nicolette concluded the story she was telling to the two eager twins sitting in front of her.

"Tell us how you got revenge on Carla," requested Diana

"Yeah, tell us!" agreed Athena

"No, that's a story for another day," replied Nicollette, and the two girls sighed disappointedly.

At that moment, Minerva entered the room, and the twins started running towards her.

"Mummy, guess what, aunty Nicky told us a story," said Athena.

"It was the best story ever!!!" added Diana.

Though the twins were not as formal as Artemis or Myles, they were just as smart, and they had many adventures to come.

Born to Avenge (Artemis Fowl fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now