Chapter Two

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Carla and I enter a large marble-floored room.

"Listen, Nicolette, this is a test. You finish it successfully, and your ready, at least mentally. Your one step closer." says Carla, and at that, she turns to leave.

I look around the room and spot a woman in a lab coat. When I walk over, I notice her ID. It reads, Professor Linett Dove. Interesting name, huh. I'm just about to introduce myself when she starts speaking.

"Hello Nicolette, I'm Linett, and I'm going to walk you through the instructions."

Hmm, I guess she already knew who I am.

"Ok, let's get started," I say; I'm determined to complete this test perfectly if it means I'm closer to executing revenge.

"The test is comprised of two parts. The first part is escaping a locked room. The second is retrieving a specific item I will soon show you a picture of. This may sound easy, but I assure you it will not be as simple as it sounds. The tests were made by various doctors, professors and even Jon spiro himself-"

"How could he do that? I thought he was in jail?" I interrupt.

Linett smiles, "Oh, he has his ways." "Anyway," she continues, "You will have a limited amount of time to complete the test; I won't tell you how much because we want to see how you work with an unknown time frame. You will be able to complete the test with anything you are wearing but nothing else. is this all understood?"

I nod; it smart what they're doing, making it a lot like how it would be if a situation like this really happened.

Linett pulls out two papers. Showing me the first one, she says, "This is the item you will need to retrieve."

I analysis the picture. It's a chip, small but can hold a lot of information. I have to admit this is going to be good practice.

"And now I'm going to show you a map of the 'area' in which the test will take place; you have a minute to memorise it, and that's it."

Linett pulls out the second picture, and I immediately start "scanning" it. I've practised this before and am pretty sure of my abilities. It's a convenient ability.

A minute is over. Linett takes back the photo and hands me a pill. It's a sleeping pill, I think. I take it. Immediately I start feeling drowsy. I was right, I think, then I'm knocked out.

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