Part 23 - Impossible

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Heyo. So, I haven't posted in a while.... My bad. 

Due to my currently really busy schedule, I won't be updating as frequently anymore. I promise I'm not abandoning this book! I'll finish it. Eventually. 


Adrien's POV

Luka and I walked over to his place around noon. The exercise was nice, and the warm breeze felt refreshing. It didn't take long to get there.

"Ah, how are my favourite boys?" Anarka, Luka's mom, asked as we walked on deck. "Feeling better, Adrien?"

"Getting there. It's nice having Luka around."

"Glad to hear it! Come on, we're having take-out for lunch."

"Where's Jules?" Luka asked.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. She said she was bringing someone."

As if on cue, a high-pitch voice squeaked, "We're here!"

Rose and Juleka walked onto the boat, holding hands. They had been dating for over a year, but judging by Anarka's expression, I'd say she had no idea until just now.

"Wha—this is your date?" Anarka asked.

Juleka nodded shyly. "Sorry."

"Oh, honey! I'm the one who should be sorry; I  just assumed you were into boys."

"Don't worry Mom, I've got that covered," Luka said with a wink, putting his arm around me.

Anarka laughed and patted him on the shoulder before gesturing for Rose and Juleka to join us at the table. The sun was shining brightly, so I kept my sunglasses on. At some point during the meal, I started to feel a bit dizzy and nauseous. Maybe being on a boat while still concussed wasn't the best idea.

I tapped Luka's leg three times. That was my signal that I needed to leave.

"Excuse me for a minute," I said, standing up.

I didn't give an explanation, I just kept my gaze on the horizon as I exited the ship. I breathed slowly in and out, closing my eyes and trying to relax. The screaming from the street wasn't helping matters, though.

Wait... screaming? Why would there be...

I advanced towards the sound, passing through a packed alleyway to get there. In a courtyard, there was a brightly-coloured teenager shooting graffiti everywhere... what the f*ck?

I pulled out my phone and voice-commanded it to call Marinette. She picked up after the third ring.

"Hey, what up?" she asked with a yawn. It was noon, why was she just waking up? Argh, lucky. I would've given anything for a full night's rest. 

"Uh... sorry to bother you, but there's an akumatized villain on the street."

"Huh? No, that's not possible..."

"Well, apparently it is," I said, my voice raising three octaves. "I'll send you my location; meet me here in five minutes."


I hung up.

"Plagg, claws—"

"Don't even think about it!" Plagg interrupted, pinching my arm.

"What do you mean?! The city is in danger; Paris needs Chat Noir!"

"If you go and fight, you'll probably get injured again."

"I don't care! People could get hurt."

Plagg flew up to my eye level. He stared me down with his hands on his hips, making me feel very small even though the kwami was less than ten percent of my size.

"Kid, you have a boyfriend who loves you very much. He's been trying so hard to help you get better; if you go out there, you're putting your recovery at risk."

"I didn't think about it like that." I looked at the ground. "But then who's gonna help Ladybug?"

"I think you already know the answer to that question," Plagg said, but his attention wasn't on me. I glanced behind me to see Luka running from the docks.

"Luka!" I yelled, running to meet him halfway.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down!" Luka ordered as he approached. "What's going on? Where's that screaming coming from?"

"Akuma," I explained, taking off my ring and placing it in his hand. "I can't fight, but you can."

"I... well I'm glad you're aware that you're still in no condition for a battle, but... I don't know much about fighting. Viperion is more of an insurance plan than a superhero."

"Oh, come on, Luka!" I encouraged, putting my hands on his shoulders. "I know you can do it."

He sighed. "Alright. But I want you to go back to your place and hide. I can't let anything happen to you."

"Okay. Good luck." I gave him a quick kiss and started to head back home.

"Hey!! No running, Agreste!"

I turned around and stuck my tongue out, but I did as he asked and slowed down. I felt pretty venerable without my miraculous, so I kept my walking pace rather brisk. Before I made it to the mansion, however, a white vortex opened up in front of me, and a superhero with red hair stepped out.

"'Sup, Kitty Noir. I'm gonna need you to come with me." 

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