Part 13 - Last Attempt at Adrienette

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Don't panic at the the title; I promise Lukadrien is still a thing here lol

here's a video to prove it

well I guess it doesn't prove anything but here it is anywayyyy

Adrien's POV

Master Fu droned on and on about the creation of the miraculouses. I wasn't really listening, and based on her far-off expression, Marinette was probably just as bored.

Once he finally left, Marinette sat down on the couch. I felt bad, because I didn't feel anything for her anymore, and yet we were just told that we were practically soulmates.

"Everything okay?" I asked, sitting on the coffee table, leaving a comfortable distance between us.

She sighed, then took a deep breath in. "How the hell am I ever supposed to find a boyfriend?"

"Huh?" I wasn't expecting that.

"You heard Master Fu; we're meant to be. But if the person I'm made for doesn't want me, and I don't want him, am I even destined to find love?"

I considered that for a moment. I tried to think of a way to explain the thoughts running through my head, but communication had never been my strong suit. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the piano in the middle of my room, and it gave me an idea for an analogy.

"Instruments like these are made for playing classical music," I started, walking over and playing one of the keys. "That's why they were invented. But that doesn't mean you can't play a different genre on them; jazz sounds just a pretty as Mozart or Beethoven. Same goes for us; just because we're made for each other doesn't mean we're right for each other."

"You really think so?"


She smiled, then looked away. We were both silent for a few moments, but then her gaze shifted back to me. She tried to speak several times before succeeding in starting a sentence.

"Hey, um... can I... can I kiss you?"

"Kiss me?"

"Yeah," she blushed. "I mean, I just want to know if maybe there's a spark."

I shrugged. "Okay, sure."

I got up and sat down beside her. I let her initiate the kiss, and closed my eyes when her lips touched mine. We stayed there for a second, then she pulled away.

"Yeah... no. Nothing," she said with a small laugh and a shake of her head.

"I guess that's for the better, since I have a date tomorrow," I laughed.

"Oh, sh*t! I'm so sorry, I totally forgot."

"Nah, it's cool. So... Kagami told you the plan?"

She nodded. "Yep. I haven't spent time with Kagami in a while, so this will be nice. Who are you going out with, anyway?"

Uh, oh.

"Kagami didn't tell you?"

She shook her head.

"It's... Luka."

She inhaled sharply. "You're going out with my ex?"

"Wait, what? You two dated?"

"Briefly, yes."

I tried to remember our conversation from the other day. "And then he broke your heart?"

"What? No, I dumped him cuz he's an asshole."

That statement worried me.

"What did he do?"

Marinette started biting her fingernail. "You know how I said he took something from me? Well, he didn't take it from Marinette, he took it from Ladybug."

"But what on earth could he have possibly..."

I thought back to the day Luka became Viperion, and there was only one thing Ladybug had ever given him.

"Oh, sh*t."


"He stole a miraculous?!"

"Yes. Well, more accurately, he just didn't give it back."

"But... why?"

"No idea. Out of all the people I've entrusted with a miraculous, he's the one I thought I could rely on the most. The weird thing was, when he refused to give it back, he genuinely seemed sorry about it, like he really wanted to give it back to me, but he couldn't."

"Could someone be forcing him to do this?"

"That's possible. Have you seen him wearing the bracelet?"

"I haven't noticed it."

"Hmm. He's either carrying it around with him out of sight, or he's hidden it somewhere safe."

I buried my head in my hands. "I feel like an idiot. He asked me out after the whole thing with Desperada, which means he had the miraculous on our first date. I should have known something was up with him."

"It's not your fault! It's like you said, you haven't seen him wearing the bracelet, so how were you supposed to know what happened?"

"I guess, but..." I fiddled with the cuff of my shirt, realizing that this incident might prevent the two of us from being together. "I really like him."

Mari put a hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to stop seeing him. You can still go on that date. He might have had a good reason for taking it, you just have to ask him."

"How am I supposed to bring that up without raising suspicion?"

"I'm not sure." Mari scratched her chin. "I guess we'll just have to hope he shows up for the next akuma attack."


The next day at school, I was a nervous wreck. I was excited for my date with Luka, but the news Marinette gave me yesterday was troublesome. Luka kept flashing me smiles during class, and I returned them with only about half as charisma.

"Hey, Mari," I asked, turning around to face her once our last lesson was almost over. "Do you want me to give you a ride to the ice rink, since we're going right after school?"

"Sure," she agreed. "You'll invite Luka to the car, too, I'm assuming?"

"Yeah. I mean, it makes the most sense."

"Why do you look so anxious?"

My eyelids drooped. "You know why."

"Hey look at me. He might be a thief, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself. And don't worry too much; we'll figure out the truth soon enough."

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