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I practically spent all morning at the dealership. Clearly, I was unaware of it not being as simple as saying "I want this car, here's my money, okay bye!"

There were so many papers, this was not how I intended to spend my birthday. The good thing is that I now own a car, and I have the rest of the day to enjoy.

My friends wanted to hang out during the day, while my parents had already made reservations at one of my favorite restaurants. My mom's flight landed this morning, she's meeting us there at eight.

Meanwhile, Asher planned an entire day for next weekend. I've been curious to see what it could be. Pondering over any hints he has given me, although he has always been good at keeping secrets.

James waves me over, my smile widening as they admire my car. I went with black for the exterior. I park in front of the tattoo shop, excited to see what Asher designed. He told me not to expect too much because of how I wanted it to be small.

The engine smoothly comes to a stop when I turn the key. The fresh scent of the lavender air freshener filling the car.

I'm bombarded with happy birthdays and congrats the second that I step one foot on the gravel.

"Thanks, guys," I grin, my gaze landing on the pair of green eyes that I adore so much. I reach out to hug him, his arms wrapping around me.

We walk towards the entrance, "So we'll meet at the mall when she's finished?"

"Yes! I'm starving!" Paige groans out, already walking away from us.

I laugh, waving at them and turning to face Asher. I bite my lip nervously, thanking him quietly as he opens the door.

The inside of the place is not what I expected. The waiting area has chairs and a tv hung on the wall. The area by the front desk is filled with designs and posters. With a neon light that has the name of the shop above the desk.

It has a nice vibe to it. The woman at the front has a couple of tattoos herself. She's nice, and welcoming, for some reason I thought that everyone would be covered in them from head to toe.

Asher shows her the design, I look away, wanting it to be a surprise. He chuckles lightly, guiding me to the back.

The woman, whose name I learned is Violet stops at a door. "Todays a slow day so you're in luck." She grins, "Mike will be in here shortly."

I nod, thanking her and she closes the door behind her. Not even two minutes later, a guy who I presume is Mike steps inside.

"Good seeing you again Ash." He nods towards us, "Hey honey, I'm Mike." He extends his hand which I shake with a smile.

Mike grabs a couple of things from the counter before sitting in front of me. We discuss the placement and I start my nerves to kick up. I hold one of Asher's hands while he gets things ready.

I pull my sleeve up, turning my arm over. He wipes it clean first, drawing the design on, I tense when I hear the buzzing noise.

Asher plays with my fingers in an attempt to soothe me. I relax a little, sighing at the feel of the needle on my skin. It's not exactly unbearable more like a pricking feeling over and over.

We make small talk that distracts me from the pain. It works because some time later, Mike cleans my skin and tells Asher to look at it.

I sit up, excited to see what I got inked on my body. Despite Asher repeatedly telling me that it wouldn't be too detailed due to it being my first tattoo and me being afraid of needles.

It's the meaning behind it. I breathe out a laugh, while Mike wraps it up.

The tattoo is of two hands, making a promise. I may have used it when I was younger, every kid did at some point. But even as I grew older with Asher I used it. It became a thing with my friends, something I always did to lock in promises.

"What do you think?" Mike questions, crossing his arms.

Looking away from the arm, I stand up with an honest smile. "It looks great, thank you."

We walk to the door, Mike pats Ashers back. "You're welcome to design for us, I've always admired your talent." He tells him.

I slip my hand in his with a nod of agreement. Asher shrugs, "We'll see."

"You see this here?" Mike asks me when I nod at the tattoo on his bicep he nods towards Asher, "He was sixteen when he drew it and I bought it from him."

I'm surprised at that, noticing how detailed it is. It's a woman on her knees, holding two cards, her hair is long and a sheet overs just enough. She's looking over her shoulder with a smirk.

At sixteen, I was happy in being able to finally draw a realistic nose instead of an L shape.

"He's talented, that's for sure." Mike murmurs, opening the door to let us out.

I let them talk and walk to the front desk with my money. Violet shakes her head, "It's on the house, happy birthday!" She beams.

Asher says goodbye to them and we make our way to the mall. I left my car parked since it's all in the same parking lot.

I'm tugged back, my heart doing a somersault when I look into his eyes.

"I wish I had you all to myself today." He says I shiver at the feel of his breath on my ear. Our lips brush against each other, my breath hitching in anticipation.

Asher pulls away, his brow arched as he watches me expectantly.

I roll my eyes in disappointment. "You're annoying."

I'm flustered any time he comments something about us being alone. He seems to enjoy watching me squirm and frustrated. I'll get him back, I'll make sure that he's the one that is speechless.

He chuckles while holding the door open for me. We grab something to eat before meeting the others in the movie theater. It's been a while since I've been, and all of us actually agreed on the same movie.

I took a long and much-needed shower when I got home. I had enough time before we had to leave and meet my mother at the restaurant.

This will be the second time seeing her in person, but it feels different. I'm more comfortable, even though we're not completely there yet. I knew that it wouldn't be easy. I forgave her and she has done a great job of giving me space.

"Ready birthday girl?" Candice stands at the doorway.

I give her a thumbs up, glancing at my reflection before following her out. The weather is slowly shifting to where it's not below freezing.

The sight of my car parked in our driveway forms a smile on my face. I'm in no way materialistic, and it isn't a crazy expensive model. It fits in my budget and every last cent came directly from my paychecks at the mall.

It gives me some sort of independence and I love the feeling. I can also drive the long way home with the radio playing. Because according to my friends with cars, that's the sole reason if owning one.

I pat the hood on my way to my dad's car, a proud grin on my face.

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