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You woke up to the feeling of warmth surrounding you. You could smell the scent of faint cologne. Your eyes were still heavy from just waking up so you didn't bother opening them. Although you were still tired, you were hungry. So you tried to get up to get some breakfast. But something held you down. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you opened your eyes. All you could see was a close up of a shirt - Ranboo's shirt. Your face turned red as your eyes widened. No wonder you smelt cologne earlier.

You had completely forgotten you had fallen asleep with Ranboo last night, not to mention he was hugging you. You tried to move out of his arms but he only pulled you in closer and his grip on you became tighter. Your mind was racing with so many thoughts. How long has he been hugging you anyways? Have we been cuddled up together like this all night?

No matter how confusing this was, you actually didn't mind it that much. I mean sure this is something that would normally come out of some cringey fanfic but his presence was just oh so comforting. Plus it was really only your emotions that were making you so flustered and confused.

You thought that maybe you should wake him up and move away from him. But it was to late. Your mind was already set on one thing. Snuggling up to him more. Who knows why you did this exactly. All you knew is that you liked it and hopefully he did too. God this was so confusing.

Did you like being cuddled by him or did you like him. Those thoughts swirling in your mind prevented you from falling back to sleep like you wanted. So you just laid there in your possible crushes arms hoping he wouldn't see your red face once he woke up.

You honestly didn't know how long it actually took for him to start waking up. For you it felt like hours on end, but in reality it had probably only been a couple minutes. You didn't know what to do except just lie there as he slowly began to wake up and open his eyes.

Once he did his eyes immediately met with yours. You smiled sheepishly as he examined your face. At first his expression was blank, it was almost as if he was rendering just how close the two of you were before he reacted. You knew when he finally came to his senses and realized what was going on by the expression on his face. His mouth had fallen open and his face was now a cherry red just like yours.

He instantly let go of you and used his elbows to prop him self up, you did the same. You were kinda upset by the loss of warmth, but you weren't just going to force something he didn't want.

"Oh god I am so sorry Y/n." He put his face in his hands from embarrassment. "I must've been really tired to the point where I did this and I didn't mean to i'm sorry-"

You giggled. "Ranboo calm down its fine. I honestly didn't really mind it. It was nice."

He peeked out from in his hands. "You sure I didn't make you uncomfortable or anything?"

You gave him a reassuring smile. "Yes i'm sure, if you did I would've woken you up immediately."

He let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god I was very worried I did something."

It stayed silent for awhile, mostly because the two of you were still very flustered from earlier. But eventually your stomach had made you speak.

"Anyways enough of this let's go get breakfast at McDonalds or something." You got up, grabbing your shoes from the corner of his room.

He laughed. "What about our parents?"

You shrugged. "Eh, we can just text them we're going out to get something to eat."

He nodded, getting up too.

This morning had been crazy. But in order to stay composed you had to brush it off. Even if you didn't want to.

Dances in the Rain//Ranboo x Reader Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now