87 Cent Solution AU Aftermath

89 4 18

A.N. Okay, this had to be written. Juliana, thank you for pointing it out to me that Della would never get to meet Dewey in the timeline of the last one-shot!

Synopsis: Takes place in the episode where Della meets her children. Follows the same timeline as the last one-shot. Dewey is dead in this one-shot.


            It has been a couple weeks since the death of the middle triplet. The other two triplets were destroyed by the loss of their brother. They had slowly been picking themselves up though. Piece by piece. They were about to leave on their first adventure since their brother's untimely demise.

            Scrooge was going on and on about the quill that would lead them to some sort of treasure when used.

            But when he opened the front door, there was a very cheerful woman who said, "what's up, party people?! I'm back in the hiz-house!" She stopped before continuing, "nope, I knew it was wrong as soon as I said it. Can I get a do-over?"

            "Hi, Uncle Scrooge." She smiled at him as he dropped the quill from pure shock.

            The woman and Scrooge had a conversation for a little bit before she said, "out of my way, old man! Where are my-?" She stopped, spotting Huey and Louie.

            "It can't be..." Huey started.

            "Guys... I think that's your mom..." Webby said.

           Some other things happened (exactly like the scene, just take Dewey out of it, but I'm too lazy to type it all out) and the three ended up hugging.

            "Wait... aren't there supposed to be three of you?" Della asked.

            Huey and Louie looked at the ground, expressing sad emotions. (Pls- why do I sound like a robot when I write it like that-)

            "Yeah... uhm... our brother... He... is no longer with us..." Huey said, putting it as delicately as he could.

            Della's face fell as she took in this information.

            "We'll, uh, give you three a minute..." Scrooge said as him and Webby left the room.

            Huey noticed the sad expression on his mom's face, so he said, "come on, we'll take you up to our room and tell you a bit about him..."

            "Dewey was a daring adventurer. Uncle Scrooge kept telling us that Dewey was just like you." Huey stopped. He chuckled a bit before turning to Louie, "remember the time he and Webby crashed the Sunchaser on Ithaquack?"

            Louie laughed slightly, "yeah. That was incredibly stupid of them."

            "Or the time he declared an 'only child' day and then we all got into some sort of trouble that we needed each other to get us out of." Louie continued.

            "Or the time he accidentally left the engine running on the houseboat and it blew up." Huey said.

            "We wouldn't even be living in this mansion if it weren't for him. We would still be living on that houseboat." Louie said.

            Della watched and listened to her sons reminisce about all of the adventures they had with their brother. She felt awful that she missed all of it and didn't get to meet one of her sons, but it really felt like she was there, from her sons' reminiscing.

            "He sounds amazing." Della said.

            "He was. Best brother ever. I just wish we had more time with him... or at least knew how little time we had left with him..." Huey said.

            Della pulled her two sons into a hug. Tears fell down their faces, but they weren't tears of sadness.

            They were tears of joy. Relief, even. They all knew that they would be okay. In time.


A.N. All right, well that was fun to write! Buh-bye now! Sorry if I ripped your hearts out! Again-

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