The Secret Plan for Bonding

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A.N. This one-shot is for Purplerebel4ever who I promised an entirely fluff one-shot after I ripped her heart out with the last one-shot! She also came up with the idea and the title! Enjoy!

Synopsis: Soon after Della arrives home from the moon and just met her sons, Louie suggests that her and the triplets spend the day together doing things that they all like and missed out on.


            Louie took a deep breath before entering the kitchen, where his mom was. "Hey, Mom!"

            "Oh, hey, Rebel- I mean, Louie! I'll get it!" Della laughed. "What's up, honey?"

            "I was just thinking, uh, it's been a few days since you got back, and we hardly know each other. You barely know your sons and my brothers and I barely know our mom. I was thinking... maybe we should spend the day together doing things that we missed out on while you were stuck on the moon...?" Louie said, avoiding eye contact with his mom, a little embarrassed at the expression of emotions.

            "I think that's a great idea, Louie! I'll go get your brothers!" Della said, as she left to go talk to her other sons.

            "Hey, boys!" Della greeted her other two sons as she walked into their bedroom.

            "Hey, Mom!" The two greeted in unison.

            "Come on, we're going to spend the day together! I'm your mother, and I feel like I barely know you!" Della said enthusiastically.

            Dewey and Huey nodded excitedly as they went with their mom. They met up with Louie at the front door.

            "So, what do you boys want to do?" Della said.

            The triplets looked at each other, knowing exactly what their first stop was going to be. "Funzo's Fun Zone! Where fun is in the zone!" They harmonized the familiar jingle to their favorite arcade.

            "Funzo's? All right then, let's go!" Della and the triplets took Donald's car to the arcade.

            "Are you sure Uncle Donald would be okay with you using his car?" Dewey asked.

            "Where did you even get a key to it?" Louie asked.

            "Donald's pocket." Della said simply. "Remember kids, it's only okay to steal if it's from your siblings."

            The triplets laughed and they arrived at Funzo's.

            Inside the arcade, the triplets showed their mother all of their favorite games and Louie mainly showed her his tricks to getting around the place, like his favorite free cup for "water" trick, when he would actually put fruit punch in the cup instead.

            "Ah, my little con-artist, you." Della laughed.

            After the arcade, they went to the doc, which had this little carnival set up.

            Dewey told the devastating tale of the "Timmy Jenkins Incident" and how it should've been him who had that traumatic experience and put on the news for it.

            Della laughed, "my son literally wanting some traumatic experience to happen to him. I've never been more proud."

            Finally, they went through a calm walk in the woods, Huey's idea. Huey talked about how he had once made friends with two of the Beagle Boys in these woods on a Junior Woodchuck Three-Man Cookout day, when Dewey had declared an 'only child day.'

            "Only child day? Really?" Della looked at Dewey and paused. "If only I had thought of that when I was growing up with Donald!"

            They went back to the mansion and Huey said. "It was a great idea for us to spend the day together, Mom. Thanks!" Huey hugged her.

            "Yeah, thanks!" Dewey joined in the hug.

            Della looked down at her sons with confusion before saying, "uh, you're welcome? But it was actually Louie's idea, not mine."

            Louie covered his face with his hand, embarrassed.

            Huey and Dewey looked at their brother and smiled softly. He ignored that until the two of them hugged their brother tightly.

            "We always knew you secretly loved us, baby bro." Dewey said.

            "Okay, Dewford, that three seconds doesn't make that much of a difference." Louie said.

            "Haha, well, you're six seconds younger than me, baby bro, so... ha." Huey taunted.

            "Okay, okay, that's enough." Louie said. He slightly smiled at his older brothers though. Too bad they didn't see that.


A.N. Okay, I hope this made up for the last one! I'm much better at writing angst than I am at writing fluff so that's why most of my writing is angsty!

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