Family Is Nothing But Trouble

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A.N. Get ready.

Synopsis: ......


"Everything's going according to plan, Bradford."

"Excellent. You know what to do." Bradford said evilly.

~At McDuck manner, a few months later~

"All right, so someone is probably a spy for F.O.W.L." Huey said simply, looking at the board in front of him.

All of the people on the board were familiar faces. People like Louie or Donald. They then crossed out Donald, figuring it wasn't him. He wasn't smart enough to be a spy and not get caught immediately.

"We have to be prepared for everything. Huey, Dewey, Webby will train you. She can attack at any time, so be prepared." Beakley instructed.

Huey and Dewey nodded in understanding.

Little did they know... they would be attacked far before the actual attack, by an unlikely opponent...

About an hour passes, and Webby had just snuck up on them again. She was about to leave, but she turned around and said, "oh, and by the way, that still wasn't the attack..."

She turned around, but felt a rope wrap around her as soon as she did. She looked behind her and gasped.

"Huey! Great job! Getting the jump on your enemy while they're distracted!" Webby said enthusiastically.

Her excited demeanor soon dropped, when she noticed Dewey laying on the floor, unconscious.

She looked back up at Huey, who had a sly and evil look on his face.

"You..." Webby said, before getting cut off by Huey.

"Just an fyi, Webbs..." Huey paused for dramatic effect before continuing, "I'm the spy..."

She gasped and then screamed, "granny!" But she was cut off by Huey knocking her out.

Huey smirked and snuck out the front door, not getting caught by Beakley, dragging the two unconscious ducklings along with him.

Huey contacted Bradford on his ear piece. "The plan is set in motion, Bradford."

"Great job, Hubert. Now get to the bin and get us inside." Bradford instructed.

"Infiltrate the bin, trick Scrooge into thinking we were attacked and no one is following us, find out the security system and how to beat it, and we win." Huey said. "It's the perfect plan."

He put on his best scared face and dragged the two into the entrance of the bin.

"Uncle Scrooge! We were attacked at the mansion! F.O.W.L.! Don't worry, no one followed us and no one knows we're here!" Huey lied.

Scrooge hurried over to the children and looked for any serious injuries. Seeing none, he relaxed a bit. "All right. Ye lads can stay here while we test the security system."

"Security system?" Huey asked, faking his curiosity.

Scrooge explained each part of the security system, step by step. "If the two most cunning and sharp ducks I know can't get through it, then no one can!"

DuckTales (2017) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now