Chapter Seven

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Lizzie's bipolar diagnosis is somehow leaked to the entire school. Her girlfriends are there for her afterwards. TW: bullying regarding someone's mental illness

"Hey Hope," Landon grins cockily as he approaches the auburn haired girl after school one day.

"Uh hi Landon," Hope replies.

She knows Landon from chemistry. He flirts with her constantly and she finds it quite annoying. No matter how many times she tells him to stop though, he won't. 

"So, I was wondering if you would go out on a date with me," Landon questions.

"No thank you. I'm taken and I don't like you like that," Hope tells the boy.

"Suit yourself, Hope. Let me know if you change your mind. I'm quite the catch," Landon scoffs before walking away. 

Hope frowns in annoyance. She really can't stand Landon. Her frown turns into a smile though when she hears familiar footsteps approaching. Hope turns and spots Lizzie. The blonde smiles at her, and thinking they are alone, leans in and pecks Hope's lips in greeting. Little do they know that Landon is spying on them from an empty classroom, and has seen the whole thing.

Grinning evilly, the boy quickly heads to the main office. He works there as an assistant after school and has access to the school's computers. Landon hacks into student files, and his evil grin grows when he finds a file labeled "Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman". He reads all about Lizzie, and finds something in her medical history that will make it so that her life is even more of a living hell: Lizzie has bipolar disorder. 


The moment Lizzie enters the school, Alyssa pins her against the lockers. The girl leers at her.

"Just when I thought you couldn't be more of a freak, I find out that you have bipolar disorder, God, Saltzman, no wonder your mother and sister left you," Alyssa laughs.

Lizzie's heart sinks. Her records are confidential. She has no idea how anyone found out about her mental health issues. 

"How did you know about that?" the blonde asks, fighting back tears as her other classmates leer at her, whispering to each other.

"Someone leake your school file. There's the bell. Have a fun day, freak," Alyssa replies as she shoves Lizzie once more before heading to class.

The other students all head to class as well. The moment the hallway is empty, Lizzie bursts into tears. Just when she thought life couldn't get any worse, it has. She hasn't yet told her girlfriends yet that she is bipolar and now they are going to find out. Lizzie can't lose them: she's falling in love with them. 

"Lizzie," she hears Hope call. She glances up tearfully to find Penelope and Hope watching her with worried eyes. 

"Are you going to leave me now?" Lizzie questions.

"No, baby. It's not your fault that you have a mental illness and we're so sorry some asshole leaked it," Penelope tells the blonde.

"You aren't leaving me?" Lizzie asks.

"No. Come on. Let's get out of here though," Hope promises, taking Lizzie's hand in hers.

Lizzie nods. They all sign out and head to Penelope's place. Boscoe notices Lizzie's tears the moment they enter and licks them away, causing the blonde to laugh. Lizzie ends up snuggled up between her girlfriends watching a random Netflix movie. Soon, she falls asleep, exhausted from the emotional strain of the morning. Penelope and Hope smile sadly at each other. They both know the next few days will be tough, but also know that they will be there for the blonde no matter what. They are falling in love with her, after all, but then again, how could you not fall for Lizzie Saltzman?

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