Chapter Six

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Penelope and Hope discover Lizzie's bruises. The blonde finally tells them what is going on. TW: child abuse

Penelope, Hope, and Lizzie are hanging out at Penelope house after school the next day, just the three of them. Hope is laying with her head in Penelope's lap. Penelope is stroking the girl's auburn colored hair with one hand, and decides to wrap the other around Lizzie's waist so she doesn't feel left out. She expects the blonde to snuggle into her like she usually does, and it takes both Hope and Penelope by surprise when Lizzie groans in pain. Penelope pulls away immediately as Hope sits up, both worried about Lizzie.

"Liz, are you okay? What hurts?" Penelope questions.

"My side," Lizzie admits.

"Can I take a look?" Hope asks tentatively.

Lizzie nods her consent, so Hope carefully lifts up her yellow t-shirt. Both she and Penelope gasp when they take in the sight. The blonde's entire front torso is black and blue. Hope turns her gently and it is revealed that her back is also covered in bruises. 

"Baby, what the hell happened to you?" Hope questions, lowering Lizzie's shirt.

"I fell off my bike," Lizzie says. Clearly, Penelope and Hope aren't buying it, however.

"Liz, you can tell us anything. We won't judge you. Now, please, tell us what happened, because those bruises aren't from a bike accident," Penelope pleads. 

The raven haired girl gently touches Lizzie's check. This soft gesture of love is all it takes for Lizzie to burst into tears. She allows Penelope to hold her in her arms, sobbing into the other girl's chest. Hope wraps her arms around the blonde from behind and whispers sweet nothings into her ear in an attempt to calm her. Eventually, Lizzie calms down enough to tell the pair what really happened, feeling safe in her girls' arms.

"My parents got divorced when my twin sister, Josie, and I were ten. Our mother took Josie and left, leaving me with my father. Since they left, he's been beating me up whenever I do something wrong," Lizzie admits, snuggling further into Penelope's chest for comfort.

"Oh baby. I swear to god I'll kill him," Penelope growls angrily. 

"Does your mother know about this, love?" Hope questions.

"No. You two are the only ones I've ever told. No one else has noticed because he only hurts me where he knows no one will see," Lizzie mumbles, "I don't want to tell the police. He'll get mad."

"Alright. We won't make you tell anyone you don't want to, but please stay with me or Hope as much as you possibly can without making your dad angry. You'll be safe with us," Penelope begs.

"Okay," Lizzie nods, "Can we just cuddle and watch a movie now?" 

Of course, both girls agree. The trio spend the rest of the afternoon watching movie after movie, Lizzie safe and sound in her girls' arms. The blonde is happy that they know and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted. She hopes now that her secret is out, that things will get better for her. Unfortunately, what the blonde doesn't know is that they will get much, much worse.

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