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a/n: hello Candy here, these are just some headcannons I had because I either forgot to add it while writing the chapters (because my notes for HoM is shit) or I didn't have time to write it. Also because HoM was supposed to be a one shot but then it got longer and longer and I just decided to make it into a series. (stay tuned, I'll publish a tokyo revengers one shot book on monday~~)

-  Your parents let you learn a lot of things as a child, mostly piano and martial arts just so that you won't be home during the day cause the house is always empty.

- You first met Mikey when you were 4.

- You walked in while Mikey was being filmed by Shinichiro in the home video that Takemichi finds in the time capsule.

- The accident where you had accidentally hit Mikey in the arm was when you tried to take the lid off of the bottle. Instead of taking the lid off, you managed to kick Mikey on the arm, making him fall to the ground.

- Shinichiro probably got kicked in the face by Mikey cause Shinichiro couldn't hold in his laugh.

- Emma treats you as her cool older sister.

- She prefers you over her older brothers.

- Emma talks to you about her past, mostly about Izana and her mother.

- You treat Emma as your sister because you never got the chance to spend time with your own older sisters.

- Shinichiro teased you about your crush on Wakasa thinking that you'd shy away.

- Mikey got irritated every time Shinichiro would tease you.

- Mikey probably started glaring at Wakasa and being all mean because of that.

- You met Haruchiyo when Shinichiro was fetching you from your home for a sleepover with Mikey.

- You almost met Izana when you had followed Shinichiro around because of Mikey's dare.

- Baji probably had a crush on you when you were younger (probably during chapter 2) but it quickly died out during elementary.

- Baji's mother became your mother figure since your mother's always away.

- Your father was really close with all your friends cause he always let them do whatever they wanted and was a great parental figure to all of them.

- The reason why you grew close to Mitsuya was because Kyoya had a crush on Luna and the two of you decided to set up weekly play dates.

- When Shinichiro had died, you had made a joke that the reason why Baji and Kazutora attacked Shinichiro was because they were the attack unit of Toman.

- While Baji was dying and hallucinating, he saw Shinichiro and your father beside you. He didn't want to tell you because he knew that you'd cry even harder.

- Mikey had always thought of marrying you, even asking your father beforehand about it which is why they're really close 'cause your father found Mikey amusing.

- After leaving to find Kyoya, Mikey definitely told Emma about his supposed plans of marrying you. Saying that Kyoya was supposed to be the one to walk you down the aisle and that Emma would have been your maid of honor.

- Your mother and sisters cut off ties with you after Kyoya's death. Your mother would only send in monthly allowances.

- When you ran away with Mikey, you slowly sent back all of the money that your mother sent you then cut off all ties with your remaining family.

- You never found where Dora and Yaki were.

- Takeomi is definitely sad that his friends and the kids that he watched grow up are now all dead. He's been left alone.

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