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Taking your phone out, you call one of the top contacts in your phone, only having to wait for a few seconds before the other side picks up. "What do you need, boss?"

"Make sure to send someone to retrieve the body inside the building. Bring it to the Shibuya hideout."

"Got it."


Walking by the sidewalk, you try your best to maneuver around the crowd, not in the mood to be brushing shoulders with a bunch of strangers, not when your body's aching all over from running around town all day. From working a shift in a cafe then quickly having to freshen up and play at some fancy party. Your feet ache from not having your bike to ride all day.

"How am I even allowed to work when I'm just 13?" You question yourself, hands stuffed in your jacket pocket as you make your way to Shinichiro's bike shop, hoping that your bike will be fixed by now, you don't think you have the energy to walk to the hospital right now. Looking up, you see that all the lights inside the bike shop are off but you just take it as a sign to use the back door. Taking the spare key from your wallet, you insert it and open the door, not forgetting to lock it once more after you've entered the shop.

"Shinichi-nii, are you here?" Calling for the dark-haired male, you look through the small storage room first, taking a bottle of water from the small fridge before heading your way to where Shinichiro usually stays to work on bikes. Spotting the male, you wave your hand in greeting as you see him look up from tinkering with the bike, a cigarette in between his lips. "All alone tonight?" Sitting yourself down beside him, you look over at what he's doing, but after a few seconds of blankly staring at random pieces of the bike, not knowing what they all mean or do, you give up and take your phone out.

"Nah, Mikey and the others are on their way here, said that they'll be waiting for you here, turns out you got here first." Taking the cigarette from his lips, he taps it on the side where an ashtray awaits him. Putting the cigarette back, he nods towards your bike which is placed on the corner of the shop. "I just finished fixing it, should be good to use by now. Just had to clean off some of the rust and replace some old parts."

Muttering your thanks, you stand up and make your way to your dad's old bike, looking it over and noticing some new parts here and there. "Y'know, you don't have to work all those jobs if it's that difficult for you. I can hire you here, I pay big, y'know?"

Facing the male, you scrunch your face. "I don't know a single thing about bikes. I only know how to ride them, but ask me what this does and I'll come up blank." You say, pointing at a random part of the bike.

"Well, you can just clean around and stuff, hand me tools and all that."

"So you're basically giving me free money."

Chuckling, Shinichiro shrugs. "Well, it's better than having to work yourself to the bone. Did your mother start asking you for money?" He asks, remembering how your father had started taking more medicine the past month, his state worsening.

Shaking your head, you make your way to him once more, taking the seat beside him as you look through your phone. "Nah, but the electricity keeps getting cut off and my brother sometimes doesn't have money for school so I gotta give him some of mine, y'know? Don't want him to feel like he has to be all responsible for money and shit."

Sighing, Shinichiro gives you a look. "And you also don't need to be responsible for things like that. You're 13, barely a teenager. How'd you even get yourself a job? Why not ask your older sisters for help? They have a job, right?" He gives you a pointed look which you avoid.

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