chapter 9 - you deserve better

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I got home to find Brad still sitting in my bed. He was wearing nothing but his underwear, and he was once again sitting and drawing.

"Hello darling" he said winking at me

"Hey" I said and walked over to him and kissed him passionately, "What are you drawing?"

He showed me the drawing. It was of a young man; he was quite similar to brad, had the same hair and the same smile, but his eyes were dark brown and he looked shorter and skinnier.

"Who's that, Brad?" I asked

"It's Michael" he sighed


"Michael Crawley. My step-brother"

"Well alright?" I replied. Brad suddenly became very upset.

"You asked me about my past, [Y/N]?" he said, "Well this is my past."

"I don't understand Brad..?"

"Why do you think I moved in here, baby?"

"Because my parents are broke?"

He laughed, "Well, yes, but there are two parts of every story. My brother, he was very sick, we couldn't afford the medical bills. We had to sell everything. That's why I moved here."

"Ohh Brad-"I laid my head on his shoulder, "But he's better now?"

"What do you think, [Y/N]?!" he screamed, "He's dead, my brother is dead", I noticed a single tear appear in his eye, but he quickly wiped it away.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Brad" I said, "I had no idea"

"I know, darling"

"But how about your parents, couldn't they help?" I asked

"My parents? When I was five my parents got divorced because my father was an abusive alcoholic and then when I was 14 my mother committed suicide" he said "It's been just me and Michael ever since. We only had each other."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Brad"

"It's alright, we were happy, at least we thought we were, our life was nothing but alcohol, drugs and girls. It was all we had, [Y/N]. I'm really fricked up, baby. You deserve better than me"

"But Brad.." I said, "You're my everything. I love you"

"You don't love me, [Y/N]" he said, "I'm a mess. You should let me go before you get hurt"

Trying to hide my tears, I stormed out of the room.

The Good, The Brad and The Ugly [Brad Pitt x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now