Chapter 10 The Girl From My Dreams

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I was laying on my back as purple petals fell on my face. I knew this was a dream as I had been here many times. The sounds of soft cries could be heard. I lifted myself off the ground and followed the sounds of the cries. They were coming from behind the large wisteria tree that sat in the middle of a field. I made my way around the large tree to see the usual person from my dreams but this time she was crying holding her face in her hands. Unlike other times I was able to see her features they were not blurred and my head didn't hurt to look at her. I couldn't see her face because her hands were in the way but I could see her long white hair that surrounded her. Her skin was a light tan color looking beautiful against her purple kimono.

"Are you okay" my voice was soft since I was trying to not frighten her

She looked up at me and for the first time, I was able to see her face. She had high cheekbones and a slender face. Her large yellow doe eyes looked up at me in shock. The white hair she had framed her face making her tan skin-pop.

"You can see me" her question came out barely above a whisper

I put a smile on my face trying to cheer her up.

"Yes it's nice to finally be able to see you," I said

She whipped the tears from her face trying to compose herself.

"I guess the magic I had used to try and hide has worn off because of my emotional state" she explained

I had so many questions for her but I could tell she was very overwhelmed so I needed to be gentle with her. She needed to be treated like a piece of porcelain that might shatter at my touch.

"I know you know my name but I just realize I've never got your name," I said

"Izanami" she answered

"That's a beautiful name" I replied

I sat down in front of Izanami making sure to keep a smile on my face. However, Izanami never returns the smile she even looked more upset.

"You shouldn't try and be nice to me all of your pain is my fault" her tone was harsh but I know she was directing it to herself

I knew this type of self-hate very well as I to took others' misfortune on myself. It could be a dark path to go down often leading to a deep depression.

"Nothing that's happened to me is your fault" I explained

"Yes it is I created what you are" she shouted

"Are you god?" I said in wonder

I had been wondering who this dream lady was for a long time. At first, I thought she could be my mother but something about her just felt inhuman.

"I am not god just one of their many children" she explained

"But I still don't understand how my pain falls on you could you please explain," I asked

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