Chapter 5 The Return

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I looked around my old room that I had left two years ago. Everything was still the same all my books were still stacked on the shelves. My closet was still filled with beautiful kimonos that my mother had gifted me. Even my old calligraphy paper was stacked neatly on my desk.

"Mother and father wanted you to feel welcome when you finally came home so they never changed this room," Hinaki said as she entered the room with Nichika

The smell of wisteria felled the room reminding me of Mt Tate.

"I need to write Master Kenshin to let him know I passed," I said

"We have already sent a letter informing him and we even invited him to visit," Nichika said

This made me smile since I was excited to see my master again.

"Here change into these" Nichika said holding out black fabric to me

"What are these" I asked

"The official demon slayer uniform," Hinaki said

I became gitty as I took the fabric from Nichika. I had seen this uniform many times on the Hashira but this one was mine. My sister left me alone and I quickly took off my clothes and put on my uniform. After it was on I strapped on my old blade that I soon would replace with my Nichiren blade once it was made.

I went to the mirror seeing myself for the first time in years since Mt Tate had no mirrors. I still looked like me but just stronger. I knew I would still be underestimated by others.

As I was admiring myself in the mirror I could hear shouting from outside. I exited my room and went to go investigate the sound. It was coming from the garden as I got closer I could hear what the voice where saying but still couldn't see anyone.

"Mother and father have already said that they would see y/n first and contact you all after they were done"

"I don't give a fuck I want to see her now"

I knew the first voice belongs to Kuina and the second belong to Sanemi. I sighed in frustration since I wasn't ready to see any of the Hashira yet. As I round the corner my blood boil in anger at what I saw.

Sanemi had Kuina by the throat and Kanata was trying to pull her sister away from the mad wind Hashira. What made this scene even worse was all the Hashira were there but no one was coming to Kuina's aide.

I was quick now thanks to the training so quick that a human eye wouldn't have seen me move to Kuina's side. Sanemi didn't have time to react as I grabbed his wrist snapping it so he released my sister. I then sent a hard kick into his chest sending him flying backward into a tree.

Kuina was on the ground breathing heavily happy to get air into her lungs again. I reached down and gently lifting her to her feet.

"Please help Kuina to her room after sending for the doctor to check on her. I'll be there after I'm done here." I told Kanata who quickly followed my orders leaving me alone with the Hashira

The Blue Spider Lily [Yandere Hashira X Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now